To Be Human (Part 2)

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Plot: Part 2 for To Be Human


Techno was alarmed at the disappearance of his brothers. He had soon found what appeared to be the culprit. He had ended up at some nearby docks, he had found the ship with a hint of luck and wriggled his way onboard.

Thankfully it was night-time and Humans were diurnal. So Techno had entered the ship quickly, slithering on the floor, supporting his tail motions with his strong hands. Techno had explored the outside of the ship before entering the room.

That's where he had found his brothers. Well one of them. Techno inferred they had been disposed of in different spots now. Tommy was sound asleep in a supposed cage. Techno had moved closer to his little brother but was stopped by a sharp gasp.

Scared he had been caught Techno faced the noise, his sharp teeth, and claws at the ready. But no attack came. Instead a somewhat childish human was gazing at him. The pinkette mustered as much of the English he had in him and hoped this fellow spoke it.

"Hallo," Techno cleared his throat slowly, unaware of how startled this child was that he was speaking. "My brothers-" he beckoned to Tommy who was asleep, although he couldn't see Wilbur. And the child took his words into consideration before pointing further up the ship.

Techno nodded a silent thanks. "Going ship?" Techno cursed his English in his own language and looked to the confused teenager.

"Ohhh," he realised with a slow grin. "You want to know where the boat is going?" Techno nodded and the kid answered. "We are going back to a medical centre on the coast maybe 30km from here. You might know the aquatic centre??"

Techno nodded slowly and he quickly realised the conversation ended. He quickly moved from the strange human and up towards where they had pointed. He slowly snuck further through the ship. Soon he had arrived at the main point, the wheel station thingy.

He was not good with human terms at all. Techno could easily spot two humans in the room. One was asleep at the front of the ship, and another was awake, huddled over something. Techno had quickly noticed that what the human was tending to his brother.

The pinkette had to resist the urge to reveal himself and attack the humans. He slithered his way from there and noticed Tommy was awake. He whispered some of their native words to the youngest.

'Remember what I've taught you'

Schlatt wasn't sure when he had blacked out but had woken to the sound of voices. Quackity had also startled awake from his spot on the chair and Schlatt lifted himself from the cold floor. The creature had remained unconscious.

Whether he was exhausted from the events of yesterday or in pain was out of the question. Things were moving around and quickly at that. Schlatt had wondered out of the captains deck and watched as crew members and men had started moving the cage.

"What's going on?" Schlatt asked quickly but was met with Dream.

"Good morning," he scowled to Schlatt. "We are moving them outside and we are going to start moving soon." Schlatt speedily moved back to the captains cabin when he heard a scream. A few people had tried to grab the brunette who had launched onto the nearest one in an attempt to protect himself.

"Hey!" Dream had yelled and quickly intervened, wrestling the creature to the floor. "What is he doing out of the cage?!" Schlatt pushed forwards to try and pull Dream back but was stopped by some of the more 'loyal' crew.

"He is hurt," Schlatt sighed. "I was looking after him." Quackity nodded and Dream brought himself upright to stare at the two of them. What he hadn't realised was the fish had gained power and shoved Dream from him.

Schlatt watched as the found freedom didn't last long as Dream had pulled his goddamned gun out, aiming it straight for the creatures head. "Cages only." And that was the end of it. Thankfully Schlatt and his team were put outside with the two creatures.

"How the fuck does he have authority to push us around?" Quackity was pacing in anger. "I fucking hope Phil is back from his trip when we get there, surely he won't take sides with Dream." Schlatt nodded and sighed.

"But if he isn't Puffy is in charge and you know how she has a soft spot for Dream," Schlatt shook his head. While the two adults were pondering what to do Tubbo and Ranboo had started trying to communicate with the creatures.

"This is J," Tubbo pointed to the letter. The brunette had passed out, still quite wounded from yesterday and the blonde had wriggled in a protective way around his friend. But he was intently listening to the two interns as they explained English.

Schlatt had only just noticed what they were doing and smiled to himself. "Teach him your names," he whispered to Tubbo who nodded, not looking to his older brother. Tubbo liked to pretend Schlatt didn't gift him the job when he was drunk, he had despised Schlatt for ages afterwards even.

And possibly that grudge was still there. Schlatt had stopped listening to Quackity for a while now, deciding on something more useful than complaining about the situation. He glanced to the front deck, there were no real windows that looked into this area.

So he stood and wondered to the opposing side of the cage where the two teens were not being excellent little teachers. He rested a hand on the lock and slowly pulled it free, swinging the door open. A split second later something was thrown at him.

Two elastic bands with some kinda tech in them. He looked up and found one of the heavily armed guards Dream had hired. Schlatt did not know the context, but he assumed they were being nice as they hadn't yelled at him.

But he had quickly realised what the bands were. Tracking devices. He slowly tossed one over to his brother. "For his wrist," Schlatt said slowly, trying not to alert anyone too much. Quackity had traversed to his side, wondering what Schlatt was doing to be helpful.

Schlatt had gently wrapped his arms around the brunette, pulling him from the cage. Quackity had grabbed the wrist band gently slipping it on. The blonde howled in anticipation as he noticed his friend had been taken.

He propelled himself forwards expecting to be shoved away by the cage door, to separate them again. But that hadn't happened. Instead he found himself right where he wanted to be. Schlatt had tried to calm the blonde, but the language barrier was too strong.

Or was it. Schlatt had asked Quackity to hold onto the brunette and he grabbed his medical bag. The fish person was not having a very good reaction to the process of having been shot. His body mustn't be used to the kind of material in his body.

Until they were back at the facility Schlatt would be unable to pull the bullet from his infected tissue. Instead he had been placing needles with special serums into the swollen and rash covered skin. It had been working for the most part, but Schlatt would not be sure how quick they could get to the facility.

Each time the brunette winced the smaller, blonde had tensed and hum a response. No, a question. Schlatt had determined the tone in their voices quickly, he had been good at reading people in the first place. This was a questioning hum.

Sure it would be great for them to know English

But Schlatt enjoyed the mystery of their language


sorry for the late post i am slaving away at this chem assignment-

if i fail chem im gonna-


part 2 hey? man i could write a book on this au ehehe

im not particularly well at the moment (mentally) but dont worry its under control, always is

if you guys want more parts for this au lmk hehe


have a good day/night <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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