Requests 2

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Life or Death




Plot: Tommy gets his license but it's a short lived moment (Requested by -Roasted_Avocado-)


Tommy was ecstatic. He had just gotten his official drivers license and was currently driving to his best friend's house. Tubbo and himself had wanted a driver's license ever since Techno had started learning. Which was a while ago now considering how old he is. Tommy drove with a wide smile. He was so excited to see the look on Tubbo's face seeing that Tommy got his license before him. Little did he know how wrong things would go. Another driver had run a red light. And unfortunately smashed right into Tommy's own car. The boy lost consciousness immediately.

Phil was sat on the couch watching Game of Thrones with his eldest sons. A notification popped up on Wilbur's phone and he saw an unknown number was calling. His middle child grabbed the phone and took it in the kitchen. Techno paused the show and the two waited now discussing the recent events of this episode. A strangled sound escaped Wilbur's throat as he fell to his knees. Phil and Techno were up instantly.

As Techno held onto his brother steadying him in his kneeled position Phil took the phone from him and hung up immediately redirecting his attention to his son who looked ghostly pale. Wilbur began to shake as tears rolled down his face. Techno held him in a protective way pulling the brunette's head into his chest stroking his head like a cat. Phil was dying of curiosity and so was Techno, but they waited an explanation.

"T-Tommy..." Wilbur whispered. "H-He... He's been in an acci-accident." Phil gaped at what Wilbur had just said. Techno inhaled quickly and pulled his younger brother closer. Phil wondered why they had called Wil and not himself? But he quickly got that thought out of his mind and stood quickly giving himself a head spin.

"We should go see him," Phil whispered and quickly left the room to pack supplies. He was preparing for an overnight which he had prepared multiple times. Tommy wasn't the only troublesome child of his family. The last time he had gone for an overnight was when Wil contracted bronchitis last. The middle child's bad asthma had left him victim to that. He packed blankets, tissues, sleeping meds and some snacks.

Wilbur and Techno were already in the car both sat in the backseat comforting each other. Soon Phil got in the car and drove as quickly, and safely, as he could to the hospital. The 3 arrived and Phil did most of the talking to the doctors. Soon they were lead to the room and Phil felt his stomach squirm with anticipation. Phil opened the door slowly seeing what had happened.

Tommy lay immobile on the bed, wires hooked to him from many different machines. He had bandages wrapped around his head, chest and his left leg. Phil heard someone gag behind him at the scene and assumed it was Wilbur. His assumption was correct as Wilbur had become more lightheaded at the scene and doubled over. Techno was shaking too and was trying his best to hold onto Wilbur who would probably have no issue with sleeping that night.

Phil helped his two sons over to a couch and Phil gave them the box of supplies placing them on the floor. The blonde pulled a chair up beside Tommy and took his youngest's hand. Wilbur had descended into a minor panic attack, but Techno soon calmed him enough to pass out. Phil wasn't tired even though it was 6pm and he had been given a near heart attack. So he stayed awake watching his son's chest slowly rise and fall, a hard grip on his hand waiting for him to squeeze back.

After an hour Phil looked over to his older boys. Wilbur was still passed out, he was taking shallow quick breaths, but Techno had continued to try and calm him even in unconsciousness. Techno looked drowsy but each time his eyes shut more than necessary blinking time he opened them quickly. Soon the pinkette couldn't fight back the exhaustion and he was asleep too. Phil smiled sadly. He got up momentarily and draped a blanket over the two before retaking his watch.

After 5 whole hours of sitting there and occasionally chatting to Techno when he re awoke Tommy's eyes fluttered open. Phil squeezed his son's hand as the youngest's eyes focused on him.

And he returned the force


Groggy Days




Plot: Techno comes down with something and tries yet fails to hide it from his family (Requested by WiredAUMaker)


It was early morning and Techno had certainly not slept. He had been sniffling and spluttering throughout the entire 7 hours he tried to sleep. Not very cool if I do say so myself. He got up giving up on sleep as it did to him. He stumbled downstairs attempting to make a coffee. Sadly that didn't go to plan and he ended up on the floor. He didn't remember how he got here but here he was. Cross legged, pale faced on the cold floor.

"You alright mate?" Phil had kneeled down putting a hand on Techno's shoulder to stabilize him. Techno gave a swift nod and shot upwards. Bad idea. Head spin incoming. Techno stumbled about to fall back down but Phil ended up catching him. He steadily swerved Techno over to the couch and lay him down. Techno shook his head trying to wake up from the trance he kept falling into. Soon he closed his eyes just for a few moments.

"Techno~" Tommy's face was the first thing the elder saw. He was annoyed by it and slapped Tommy away. The boy pulled a face but then proceeded to walk into the kitchen. "Techno is awake~" The pinkette rolled over shutting his eyes again. This time he didn't go back to sleep. Phil had gently shaken his shoulder. He grumbled but opened his eyes starring up at Phil. His father looked concerned for him, but Techno didn't know why.

Ah wait.

He was feeling ill so maybe that.

Phil handed him a glass of water and he took it shakily. After he had the whole glass people started to settle around him. Phil was beside him on the couch reading a book. Tommy sat on the carpet doing homework. Wilbur sat in a chair scrolling on his phone. It was all naturally quiet. And Techno appreciated this all. He knew why they were quiet and closed his eyes again.

The quiet wouldn't be so comforting to other's but to Techno

It meant quite a lot

some shorter ones lmao-

the next couple might end up being whole chapters so keep an eye out

also please do check out the Where Are Your Parents? book too bc uhh i will be putting this book on hold soon enough to do some work on that

have a good day/night <333333

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