From Child to Eldest

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Plot: Somethings happens and Tommy  isn't the clingiest apparently (idea by WiredAUMaker)


Phil had left for the week and Tommy's older brothers had gone out to the village to get some supplies for dinner. They were having bacon pasta and Tommy had slept in until 10am to find the note. It was now 5pm and his brothers would be home any minute now. He heard the door unlock. Not moving from his spot from the couch he heard his brothers enter. Techno flopped down on top of him gently.

“Get off me you dick head!” Tommy shoved his older brother but Techno didn’t budge.

“Heh,” Techno smirked. “That’s what you get for sleeping while we do all the work!”

“Leave the child alone Techno,” Wilbur sounded from the kitchen. The pinkette rolled his eyes and got off Tommy taking a seat in an arm chair. The middle child had started preparing the dinner and the two decided to make small talk.

“How was the markets?” Tommy pondered still watching TV.

“Good,” Techno plainly stated before Tommy glared at him. “Something odd happened. But I don’t remember what...”

“Aw,” Tommy smirked. “Ol' Techno getting forgetfulness in his older years?”

“Shut up Gremiln,” Techno yawned. The house remained silent until dinner was ready. The 3 ate quickly being famished and ended up going to bed after that.

Yet they didn’t know what had happened. And how that would affect them all.

Tommy woke to the sunlight in his face. He rolled over lazily but decided he would surprise his older brothers by getting up early. Checking the time and seeing it was 7am he walked downstairs expecting his brothers to be awake. Apparently not. He looked everywhere but couldn’t find them. He walked to their room assuming they slept in and peaked through a gap.

He gasped seeing the two elders both much smaller than normal. Approaching Wilbur’s bed he pulled back the covers finding something awful. He pulled the blankets back from Techno’s bed too seeing it had affected both of them. They had aged backwards and were the age of young kids. Tommy screamed which in turn woke the two sleeping kids and they were confused.

Techno looked at Tommy with angry eyes before turning over to go back to sleep. Wilbur was shaking and had started crying loudly from Tommy’s outburst. He had no idea how to deal with children because  he had always been the youngest and never known what his older brothers were like at this age. He picked Wilbur up in his arms and gently hugged him. The brunette stopped crying and soon passed out on his shoulder. Techno had also fallen asleep too.

Placing Wilbur in Techno’s bed he went downstairs to try and comprehend what was happening. He started wondering what they would eat and what he could do to keep them from crying. A sudden idea came to his mind. He rushed up to Phil’s room searching through all his past notebooks. He soon came across the 5-year-old Techno and 4-year-old Wilbur year. He started looking through the notes finding just what he needed.

. Likes watching TV and books
. Will only manage to eat strawberry puddings
. Don’t give bacon he will throw up
. Give him head rubs

. Likes playing games and music
. Will eat most things but loves rice crackers and honey the most
. Loves to snuggle, clingy

Tommy sighed thankfully and took the book downstairs. On his way down he heard little footsteps behind him and saw the two children watching him. Wilbur smiled with glee and attached himself to Tommy’s right leg. The blonde felt so pleased with how Wilbur was but Techno would be work. The pinkette glared at him with distaste. As he went downstairs he started salvaging for food to give them whilst looking for himself.

He soon located the puddings and scooped one into the bowl putting it in front of his eldest brother. Techno sniffed it before digging in starving apparently. He next found a box of fruit loops and poured himself a bowl and then Wilbur too. As the 3 ate Tommy wondered what to do next. They wouldn’t didn’t have similar interests. He wondered what to do but soon Techno had wondered to the couch to watch TV but Wilbur intervened.

“Techie!” he whined. “Can we play first?” Techno rolled his eyes before nodding. Tommy sighed in relief. He then started googling what was happening. A potion came up. It had a hard name to pronounce so Tommy didn’t try. But the good news was it’d wear off by tomorrow and the bad news was his brothers would have no memory of it. Tommy smirked. He best get some photos then. He heard a scream and ran upstairs to find Wilbur on the top step sobbing.

“What happened?” Tommy crouched down next to him. Wilbur grabbed onto his chest pulling Tommy closer somehow.

“I-I t-t-tri-tripped and hurt my-my foot,” Wilbur sobbed. Techno was stood at the top of the stairs q bit concerned but a bit confused.

“Its okay,” Tommy soothed picking Wilbur up. “How bout we go watch some TV?” Techno smiled racing downstairs to get on a couch. Tommy walked down slower due to the 4-year-old in his arms. Techno had already changed the channel to some shitty kids show but Tommy didn’t mind. He sat down next to Techno holding Wilbur on his lap. He smiled thinking how today would be nice and cruisy even though he didn’t need it to be.

Maybe an hour into the TV watching both kids were asleep on Tommy’s chest. He pulled out his phone and took a selfish sending it to Phil with the caption of

You never told me how clingy they were

A little bit of fluff to be nice lmao

Have a good day/night <33333

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