Midnight Comfort

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Plot: Techno is working late with his friends as per usual and a well known child comes in to say hello (idea by someone)


"Come on Wil you should rest," Techno placed a hand slowly on the brunettes shoulder.

"Shut up I'm working on a case," Wilbur shrugged him off. "You rest." Techno sighed going to go complain to Phil about Wilbur not resting when someone entered the building. At this time there could only be one person it could be.

"Hey Tommy," Techno waved to the blonde. "Cold night?" The blonde boy nodded and Techno noticed what he held in his hands.

"Brought you guys some coffee," Techno smiled coming to help him out.

"Thanks," Techno responded. "Wil~ You're not getting coffee!" Wilbur sat upright turning to glare at Techno. The dark bags under his eyes were no surprise to Techno but Tommy flinched slightly obviously not expecting this to happen to someone who hadn't slept in 4 days.

"Bitch!" Wilbur stood up coming to get the coffee. Techno smirked and made a run for it managing to not spill the coffee's he held. Tommy shook his head hearing them run down the fire escape stairs and walked casually into Phil's office.

"Got ya coffee big man," Phil smiled at Tommy and took the coffee. The boy had managed to memorise the elders coffee's due to the amount of times he visited now a days. Phil took a small sip and then went to converse but the two younger adult's burst in.

"Wilbur isn't resting!"

"Techno pushed me down stairs!"

"He nearly spilt coffee on me!"

"He made the asthmatic run!" Tommy and Phil both started laughing and both adults took seats with their coffee's and they all conversed.

"Anyone bothering ya Tommy?" Wilbur asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Nah," Tommy responded shrugging. "No one come for me, but I've kinda been on the move lately."

"You should stay the night," Phil offered as the blonde yawned.

"Its okay i don't need pity points."

"They ain't pity points ," Techno pointed out. "We just want you to rest, besides we will be here all night." Tommy looked at the floor possibly contemplating his options.

"Alright I'll stay for one night," the adults cheered quietly and Tommy chuckled softly. "Only if Wilbur agrees to rest." Techno put a fake hand up to his mouth in utter shocked sarcasm as Phil shook his head at Techno. Wilbur scowled.

"Fine, fine," Tommy high fived Techno as Phil smirked. "Only because Schlatt's busy."

"Yeah, yeah," Techno rolled his eyes. "Not anything to do with the fact that you're tired." Wilbur pulled a face at him which Techno returned making the child laugh at their pettiness.

"Aight back to work," Phil commanded getting up from his chair probably to make another coffee. As the 3 pouted at him he smiled but shook his head. "Tommy you can stay anywhere you want alright." The blonde nodded and proceeded to go try all the couches and chairs on their floor like he was at a furniture store.

Wilbur sat back down at his computer continuing looking into a case he was on. Techno finished off his coffee going to make another one with Phil. The floor went quiet as the 3 worked and Tommy messed around quietly.

After an hour and a half Techno was very over having to entertain the child so he went to Wilbur's desk.
"Hey Wil could you-" Techno shut up seeing the brunette had passed out on his desk and he smirked.

Tommy started coming in but Techno quickly put a hand over his mouth so he didn't wake Wilbur. "Go bother Phil," Techno pushed him gently towards the office and he proceeded to gently shake Wilbur's shoulder. The brunette slightly stirred and Techno hoisted him up onto his shoulder and they walked/stumbled over to the nearest couch.

Techno lay Wilbur down on his side and the adults eyes opened slightly. Techno smiled ruffling his hair getting a weak swat from Wilbur's left hand. He chuckled but left to get more things. He opened the cupboard grabbing two blankets and two pillows.

He made a quick stop in the office throwing a blanket and pillow at Tommy who scowled at him making silly faces. Techno shook his head as Phil laughed at the youngers actions. Techno now arrived at Wilbur's spot and lifted his head to slide a pillow in underneath knowing his neck would appreciate this later. He now proceeded to drape the blanket over the brunettes sleeping figure and he went back to work.

Techno jolted upwards when someone touched his head. He spun around seeing Phil holding a finger to his lips. He beckoned Techno to follow him which he did. Techno saw what Phil was showing him and smiled seeing the scene. Tommy had snuggled into Wilbur's chest and the adult has his arms wrapped around the younger. Phil used his facial expressions to indicate that they should stop working and rest. Techno sat in an arm chair and Phil sat in the other arm chair next to him.

Just a normal evening in the police precinct for them.


I kinda like this au but yeet

Have a good day/night yall <3

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