Requests 11

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The Secret




Plot: Tommy is streaming and the secret is out (Requested by jayden_forest)


Tommy was streaming after school today. He had gone upstairs to his room shutting the door assuming his dad was going to be working late as he wasn't home on time. So naturally, he started streaming.

The stream was going well. He was playing Minecraft with a bunch of friends, and he didn't realise the sound of the front door opening. Tommy was a kid to have his face camera on because he didn't mind. So when his dad arrived at home, Tommy was unaware.

This was a bad thing. Tommy was streaming Minecraft without a care in the world, chatting with his friends and enjoying life. Then the door opened, and he scrambled to yell that he was streaming while also wondering if he was going to die of an intruder.

"Tommy what are you-" Tommy gaped at the open door. He was too late. "...doing...." His friends were speaking to him, but he was just sat there agape starring at his dad. The familiar pink hair of his dad was recognised wildly on the stream.

Technoblade, they spammed


Meet Up




Plot: Tommy cosplays as someone and they bump into each other (Requested by technobale)


While Tommy was struggling with fame he used to cosplay. Where he would dress up as his favourite streamers. He did many of Technoblade and the SBI in general. But today he went out to the shops, cosplaying Philza.

His outfit showcased the signature green stripped hat and the large wings tucked into his back. The long green cloak and thankfully Tommy was blonde and could easily pull off the adult's hair. He was never a big fan of going outside while cosplaying. He was worried he would bump into someone.

And today he finally did.

He was exiting the shopping centre with some groceries for his household. He heard a chuckle from behind him and assumed someone was about to make fun of him for what he wore.

"Nice outfit," Tommy continued on his way and yet the person followed persistently. "Hey! Can I get a picture?" He froze and stood straight. Did this guy think he was Philza Minecraft? Tommy turned around and he gawked at the person.

Messy brown hair and fairly tall, this man was easily recognisable to Tommy. As he watched Wilbur Soot very often. The streamer giggled at his reaction and took his phone out. Tommy tried to move but he was just in shock.

"Thanks..." Wilbur trailed off having taken the picture and smiling devilishly.

"T-Tommy," he responded barely audible.

"Tommy," the brunette chuckled. "See ya around, Tommy."

"Yeah..." Tommy watched him walk off and started to regain his senses. His brain overflowing with one consistent thought.

Oh my god, I just met Wilbur Soot


Identity Crisis





Plot: Wilbur makes a discovery and struggles to tell his friends (Requested by romanangst2020)


Wilbur was having an average weekend. A gender crisis had struck him last minute on Friday. He had gone full panic mode since then. Rapidly researching and taking tests (not like it helps) and overall looking for the answer.

To be completely honest, he didn't feel male. And he didn't feel female. That made him worrisome. What is he if he isn't male or female? Was he just being overreactive and jumping to conclusions? Yet he wasn't. He felt like this for a while.

So now it was late Saturday night, and he was trying to calm his racing thoughts. Was he they/them? Did he have no gender at all? Was it all genders? He groaned in annoyance and lay on his bed, tears in his eyes.

He was trying to validate himself, saying that no matter what he identified as he was valid and appreciated. Yet the negativity his parents showcased to him once upon a time, stuck with him. So he got up and entered a discord call. He had asked his only awake friend at the time to join.

Technoblade. The American obviously was awake as he answered quickly and greeted Wilbur getting no response.

"You good nerd?" Wilbur shook his head and sniffed before realising Techno couldn't see him.

"N-No," Wilbur sniffed trying to contain his sobs. "I just... I'm having a crisis."

"You and these moments Wil," Techno chuckled trying to lighten the mood. It didn't quite work. Wilbur began to sob uncontrollably, and Techno started to fumble, trying to get words of comfort ready.

"I-I-I," Wilbur sniffed trying to recompose himself. "It doesn't m-ma-make sense Tech."

"What doesn't Wilbur?"

"M-My i-i-identity," Wilbur sniffed putting his head in his hands trying to escape the negativity his parents left stained in his brain. "I-I can't-"

"Shhh," Techno muttered. "Don't worry Wil. Shhh." Wilbur sniffed and wiped his face tiredly. "Don't worry. You will work it out. Shhh." Wilbur put his head on his desk and cried softly. He hadn't noticed the call had gained more people.

"Hey Wil," Phil's voice spoke gently. Wilbur only sobbed more. "Mate it's okay. Shhh. Just take deep breaths, okay?" Phil demonstrated the breathing while Tommy made a quiet comment about Philza Minecraft ASMR.

"You can tell us when you're ready," Techno hummed softly. Wilbur took a couple more moments to compose himself before coming to his conclusion and persuading himself they won't hurt him.

"I-I think I'm..." Wilbur stopped and breathed quietly. "N-Non-binary..." What they didn't expect was the reaction their friends gave. The three cheered softly and praised Wilbur for their discovery. Wilbur was now in tears of happiness as the reaction wasn't the homophobia they expected.

Wilbur realised they were safe with these people, and they were grateful



short requests smh-

ah well- i tried-

also the last one is based off the gender crisis i just had lmao-


have a good day/night <33333333

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