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Plot: Techno has been stressed out due to what happened to Phil and he points blame easily (idea by LunaBlackBruh)


Techno dragged the deer through the snow as he walked casually back to base. He was the only person allowed outside since the events that occurred 2 days ago. As he approached the grand tree in the middle of no where he banged on the metal trapdoor with his foot. He heard the locks being disabled and he dropped his kill in first before dropping down.

“Jesus Techno,” Tommy’s voice rang out. “We have a ladder for a reason.”

“Eh,” Techno shrugged although it was pitch black as he closed the trapdoor relocking it. “Never broken a bone doing that and since when did you become Wilbur?”

“Since he’s been busy out of his mind,” Tommy’s voice softened as he flicked the lights on. Techno winced as if someone just poked their finger into a raw wound. As Techno’s eyes adjusted to the white lighting on the bunker he saw and smelt the infection from there. Amber eyes met his own and he felt himself shrunk back under the gaze of the older.

“Hey Techno,” Wilbur muttered voice hoarse. “What did you find?”

“Deer,” he stated plainly moving to show the young deer he had killed in the forest. Wilbur nodded simply and went back to unwrapping Phil’s wound. Techno could barely look at the eldest without tearing up he had no idea how the other two could spend so long in here. Phil was still awfully pale, blood trickled from his nose as he panted. He wasn’t awake because Wilbur must’ve given him pain meds earlier.

Wilbur finished unwrapping Phil’s arm and the bite was revealed. Wilbur grabbed the syringe to his side and implanted it into the bite. He started taking a tiny amount of blood and then he grabbed the next syringe and implanted it in the same spot putting liquid in. He then proceeded to dab ointment onto a new bandage and wrapped the bite back up.

Phil seemed to relax as the bandage was tied and promptly fell under the affects of whatever the brunette gave him. The bunker fell into complete silence as they did their jobs. Techno was cooking up his deer and Tommy was assisting Wilbur as he worked to help Phil. Techno remembered back to the day it all went downhill.

They had been ambushed. Techno was running behind Phil checking behind him every few seconds to see how the others were doing. Tommy was falling behind and Wilbur shoved him forward. Tommy caught a good amount of speed and Techno nearly crashed into Phil who had stopped. He started climbing the tree in front of them and Techno followed helping Tommy up. Now he grabbed onto Wilbur’s wrist and started pulling him up. Just in a nick of time too.

“Okay where do we go now?” Tommy panted. Techno shrugged his shoulder looking to Phil who actually wasn’t focussed on escaping currently. The blonde was focussed on Wilbur and Techno turned to see why. Wil was having an asthma attack. Tommy noticed too rubbing his back to reassure him.

“We need to go Wilbur,” Techno growled softly seeing all the infected at the base of the tree. “Like now.” Techno shook Wilbur trying to get him to calm down. Phil shoved him carefully away. He took Wilbur into his arms hushing him. The brunette wheezed but was thankfully breathing better.

“I suggest we just wait it out,” Phil looked at Techno when he spoke. “Something else will pass by and they will be distracted by it then we can run back to the base.” Techno didn’t like this idea but he nodded slowly.
But this was an awful idea.

Once the mobs got distracted by a group scent they picked up they were gone. Or so they thought as they lingered on their way back to the bunker a zombie jumped from a tree landing flat on Tommy. The blonde screamed. And Tommy is notorious for his screaming. Phil was immediately with him and fighting the zombie back. A solid crunch sounded and Phil’s scream filled the air. As Techno decapitated the zombie Wilbur collected devil and they quickly entered their home.

“Phil?” Techno pondered as someone flicked the lights on. Wilbur had already started looking at the wound. Techno gaped at the wound as did Tommy. A bite.

Techno for once didn’t blame himself. He blamed Wilbur. The two were very close and always had friendly banter but they barely spoke since that happened. And Techno didn’t want to because he knew he would lose it. He can’t lose it because he knew both of his friends blamed themselves. As he finished cooking he dished it onto a few plates all rationed to save food. Techno ate his in his corner as Tommy ate near Wilbur who actually was feeding Phil his share too.

“You need to eat,” Techno swallowed slowly as Wilbur didn’t respond. “Like seriously.”

“I’m not hungry,” Wilbur responded with a sigh. Techno shook his head anger getting the better of him due to stress.

“Eat. Now,” Techno mumbled trying to get a grip on his emotions.

“Or what?” Wilbur chuckled. “You’ll kill me?” Techno turned on him wrapping his hands around the brunettes throat.

“I WILL!” Techno yelled. Wilbur struggled in his grip surprise and panic laced in his eyes. Tommy screamed at Techno to let go but the pinkette remained holding Wilbur’s neck with such pressure. The eldest started growing weaker now and Tommy hit Techno over the head with his bat knocking him out cold.

Now wasn’t the time to kill each other

Yolo i have done all these ideas on my phone so very epic in my opinion

Once I have laptop access expect more chapters lmao

Have a good day/night <3

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