To Protect Your Flock

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Plot: Phil is being the best dad until circumstances arrive and ruin it for him.


Phil had been waiting for so long to teach his boys to fly. Since they had been born he had been so excited to show them the skies.

Techno, his first born, 8 at the time of gaining his flight feathers. Phil had eagerly taken him into the sky, always careful due to the dangers of hunters nearby.

He had quickly realised Techno was a natural, the avian was so confident, growing into a fine set of wings. He took after Phil, short but powerful wings, a bred warrior.

Wilbur, his middle child, 6 at the time of gaining his flight feathers (Kristin had said he had wanted to be close to Techno so matured faster).

Wilbur was a bit more slow going as he was young, but Phil had helped him and in time the brunette grew into a long, broad pair of wings, speed and agility. Everything was looking good.
Phils youngest, Tommy, not yet learning at the age of 12. But his brothers always took him for flights. The little avian family was happy to live deep in a rainforest, away from danger.

Until the danger came to them. Phil was out with his family when he spotted hunters in the rainforest. He sent them back home, hoping to divert the hunters or teach them a lesson.
Phil didn't spare a glance at them as he divided down, showing off his deep black wings. The hunters were eager to fire their darts at Phil. But he had been flying enough to know better.

And he had the advantage. He led the hunting party to a nearby river, perching in a tree as he watched them search. After a few moments, Phil dived down, grabbing the nearest man and ripping his throat open.

He made a loud yell directed towards the rest of the group. Some fled and others stayed. Phil eliminated the rest of those who remained, having not been shot once. Though he couldn't say the same about stabs and slices.

But Phil's brain was going 100 miles an hour and needed to get home to see his family safe. On his way home he heard something in the distance, someone calling out. He didn't want to investigate as it was probably one of those hunters.

But Phil was horrified to come home and find his two younger sons missing. He told Kristin and Techno to stay there, but Techno was more stubborn, and panicked already.

It took some time for one of them to get something. Techno diverted his attention towards the noise Phil heard earlier, diving down towards the ground and searching for them. Phil spotted them first.

He sped past Techno, landing beside his boys. Phil froze. Techno did too when he landed. It appeared Wilbur has been carrying Tommy when the avian had been hit with one of the darts.
Phil moved to Tommy, who was shaking Wilbur's shoulder. Phil got Techno to pull the boy back as the adult rolled Wilbur onto his side. His strong resolve faltered. Wilbur's eyes were half open, his head streaming with blood, his nose and mouth following the concussion.

Phil pulled the boy into his arms, gently hugging his middle child and feeling for his pulse. Phil let out a strangled noise.

Wilbur was dead

And it had been Phil's fault

"My little sparrow... I'm so, so sorry..."



i did some writingggg

happy new years and stuff teehee

i wrote this oneshot in 30 minutes during a car ride to try and get back into writing hhhh

also- update-

probs wont have a lot of time to write this year (school is insufferable-)

so dont expect much but im always thinking about writing hehehe

well yeah thats it-

i got a slimy and squishy slug and i called him Scales <3

hopefully with this new ability to write i will finish the last of my requests and get back into writing whatever hhh

although my wrist keeps hurting for no reason- bit concerning-

have a good day/night <33333333333333333333333

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