Is It Everything You Dreamed Of?

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Plot: Wilbur has always wanted to see the Nether and two fools decide to do something about it (Hybrid au)


Tommy was up late tonight. He had gone to the Netherlands today with Techno just for fun. And it had come across him. Wilbur had never seen the Nether. His older brother had spoken about his dreams of seeing the mesmerising homeworld of his brothers. But he could never go. Phil had told him that finally when the older was 15. Something to do with the lack of moisture in the atmosphere. Basically Wilbur would pass out from dehydration before suffocating. Ever since then there had always been Phil to stay with him when the others went to the fire depths.

So Tommy lay awake in his bed, his mind wondering to how he could help his older brother. An idea sprung itself and latched on tight to his brain so he went to find Techno knowing the eldest would be awake. He stuck gingerly past Phil's room knowing the older had a 50/50 chance of waking up. But he could stop his sneaking once he got to Wilbur's room because the older could sleep through a fire for fucks sake. Knocking on Techno's door he waited patiently. Soon the pinkette opened blinking as if he had actually been sleeping.

"Did I wake you? Sorry," Tommy whispered. Techno shrugged and let him in. Tommy took a seat on his bed as the older went back to his desk writing a letter to a friend.

"What do ya want Gremiln?" Techno turned in his chair after finishing. Tommy suddenly forgot what he was gonna say but remembered it as Techno opened his mouth to tease him.

"I had a cool idea," Tommy smiled with pride. "An idea on how to get Wil to the Nether." Techno's Piglin ears perked up and his mouth twitched with a light smile. They had both always wanted to show Wilbur their home. Because they loved the place and had lots of pride for where they came from.

"Well then," Techno smirked. "What's your idea?" Tommy proceeded to explain his whole idea. Like a fish tank or something and Techno countered it with logic like the fact his lungs don't breathe water. But they ended up thinking of something very efficient and its not like they were gonna spend more than a hour in there. So they got to work as quietly as possible.

Techno stuck into Wilbur's room working out measurements and shit while Tommy started gathering materials and taking them out into the shed to work quieter. After Techno got the measurements he met Tommy in the shed and the two proceeded to work and chat until 2am when they finally passed out from exhaustion.

Phil had woken up at 7am which meant he had gotten a decent sleep in. He got up easily with a bright smile ready to start the day. He did your day to day things with the added wing management and then went to check in on his sons. But he was shocked to find two of which were missing. Thinking the worst he ran to his middle child shaking him vigorously. After maybe a minute of shaking him the brunette stirred casually.

"Techno and Tommy aren't here!" Phil stated panic deep in his throat. Wilbur nearly shot up in panic and they both ran around looking for the two Nether hybrids. Soon Phil entered the shed and had to forcefully stop himself from waking up the two with worried screams. Wilbur room entered and saw the two making a soft 'aww' noise. Phil shooed him away muttering about how they would be exhausted. Once Wilbur had left Phil noticed the papers sprawled everywhere. He looked at the papers but couldn't understand what it was before Tommy started stirring. Phil left quickly so to not startle the younger.

Tommy stretched letting out a loud yawn waking up the eldest who simply stood to check over the fish bowl type thing he had made last night. Surely enough he deemed it ready and Tommy sprung upwards with excitement. He ran into the house unable to keep himself still. Techno came in with the glass container type thing and placed it on the table going to get a coffee.

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