Teeth Come In All Shapes

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Plot: Tommy finally puts the pieces together and gets a straight answer


Tommy had grown up in a... different household than most. To put it simply, his family consisted of blood dependant immortal beings, or vampires. Phil had been one of the first vampires alive, pure blooded and with the most potential.

Tommy's eldest brother Techno was the second eldest vampire in the family. Phil had turned him personally after an incident that threatened the pinkette's life. And Wilbur being the middle child of the household. Phil having found him and turning him when he was young.

Against most novels and movies that specified how vampires did not age, that was false. A certain age forced the body to halt, that age being early adulthood. So although Wilbur was a vampire at nine, he grew until he was 20.

Techno was 21 when turned and that ultimately forced the ageing to stop as he was an adult. And Phil had somehow refused Tommy's many, many, many requests to be turned like the rest of his family.

Phil hadn't quite told him why yet, but he was sure to find out someday. Anyways, the present was shit. Tommy had to go to school everyday and try to live a normal life. And yet somehow, he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried he was always the odd one out.

Tommy's family had remained unknown to everyone, and he still didn't understand how he had a different aura than the regular kids. Thankfully he had made friends with two kids who seemed just like him.

Tommy had gotten better at seeing aura's as Wilbur had taught him what to look for. Another factor the fiction got wrong, vampires didn't hate sunlight. Sure their skin was extra sensitive, but it wasn't severe (unlike those allergic to the sun).

But one thing they got right, werewolves and vampires mingled. But not in a friendly way. They had been at war for centuries, ever since Phil was born. He didn't like to talk of past times as he wasn't proud of what he did.

So when Tommy had come home today to find only Wilbur home, he instantly attached himself to his brother and sobbed. "Toms," Wilbur's voice was soft, calm. "What's wrong?"

"W-Why..." Tommy strained his voice to speak through his sobs. "Why am I-I still s-so-so different?" He sniffed and pulled his face into Wilbur's chest as he muffled his sobs.

"Tommy..." Wilbur sighed as he dragged the younger and himself onto the couch. "What happened?"

"They are all just so... so," Tommy pulled his face back, the sadness subsiding to confusion. "Their auras, like you taught me, they are different to mine. But I'm not a vampire... I'm just a failure."

"Absolutely not!" Wilbur pulled Tommy closer. "You are not a failure, and you never will be." Silence clawed at the brothers as Tommy sobbed a few more times. "Listen... Phil needed to tell you this long ago... Tommy you aren't like the others."

The blonde pulled away to stare at his brother for a while. Suddenly Tommy felt the air shift, making way for something different. A new aura. Tommy had never scented this one before but quickly moved backwards. "What the fuck?"

"This is another aura I haven't taught you too much about," Wilbur looked at his hands and sighed. "Tommy, this is your aura. Werewolf." Tommy gaped and looked at his brother in shock. He had so many questions, but he couldn't say them all.

How was he a werewolf? Why were vampires looking after a werewolf? Why did Wilbur give off the same aura as a werewolf? Wilbur is a vampire so how is he doing this? How long has this been a secret from him? Why were they keeping his blood a secret from him?

"What," was the only word Tommy could mutter. "How..." was another good start and Wilbur offered him a hug. Tommy took it absent minded, focussed on the questions that plagued his previously saddened mind.

"I'm so sorry Tommy," Wilbur sniffed, apparently feeling quite emotional too. "I should've told you sooner and we shouldn't have kept a secret from someone about that someone I'm so sorry." Tommy was really at a loss of words now.

"How do you..." Tommy sniffed, subconsciously forgiving his family. "But you're a vampire?"

"I think we should talk about this when Phil and Techno get home Toms," Wilbur smiled softly.

"S-So..." Tommy attempted to further comprehend. "I'm a... werewolf?" Wilbur nodded and Tommy felt his heart sway and crack. He felt so weak, so alone. He lay against Wilbur's torso as he wrestled with his shattering heart, trying not to let it break too far.

"I'm sorry," Tommy stuttered, his voice scratchy from the sudden heartbreak he faced. Wilbur stopped, puzzled, and rested his head into Tommy's soft blonde hair.

"Don't be sorry Tommy," Wilbur murmured quietly, voice filled with sadness and warmth. "It doesn't matter okay, fuck I wish we could all have just been human, regular expiry dates and all." Tommy giggled softly at Wilbur's use of terminology.

"We are family," Wilbur's body had begun to move beneath Tommy, and he pulled away to see what was happening. "Phil, Techno and I don't care, this is it for us Tommy, and words cannot express how sorry I am."

Tommy's eyes teared up again as he noticed the different features his brother had obtained. Long canine shaped legs, a fluffy tail stiff with tension and emotion. Ears missing from the side of his head, sticking through his hair in fluffy tufts.

And the slitted eyes that gazed into Tommy, their blue depths holding the world. The world Tommy wanted, the world Tommy needed. Wilbur smiled a toothy grin, fangs replacing and littering his bottom row of teeth.

"This is it for me too," Tommy barely thought about the words coming from him before the tears streamed down his face. He was sure as fuck confused and sad and happy and anxious and angry, but that didn't matter.

Nothing did anymore. He had a family, a family he had before but, a family he was now apart of. Not just some weird human teenager without parents. Instead he was an asset, something less boring, something just like them.

Home was a funny little word, Tommy didn't use it often, but today was the exception

He was home at last

His newfound part in the world

His everything

That didn't excuse the nagging questions though



Okay but i do believe oneshots will officially become more limited, so many assignments aint funny

BUT i have a rat dissection next week IM EXCITEDDD

My organs arent dying tonight so im calling today a win B)

i may do more of this oneshot in the future if it is well received hehehe

in other words lmk if you liked it hehe

have a good day/night <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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