Sleepy Boys Family

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Plot: Just FD fluff UwU


"Techno!!" Phil called out loudly hoping to draw the attention of the eldest. A few moments later the Piglin hybrid looked at him from the stairs groggily after all it was early in the morning. Phil grabbed the brush and threw it at him. Techno being Techno caught it without a simple thought. He looked down at the item he was holding, and his eyes beamed as a smile swept his sleep away.

"WIL!! TOMMY!!!" He yelled storming upstairs. Phil chuckled. Tommy's room was closest, and Techno just crashed the door open. "WAKE UP CHILD!!" he then threw the brush onto his head with impeccable aim. Tommy grumbled in persistence but when he didn't get up Techno grabbed him by the arm dumping him on the floor.

"For fucks sake!" Tommy muttered sleepily. Once he saw the brush though he perked up and they both raced to wake the other up. Wilbur was already stirring quietly but was surprised to have Techno just tackle him and grab him by the waist carrying him downstairs. Wilbur was confused before being shoved onto the couch and seeing all the hair supplies were out. You could nearly see the sun in his eyes as he picked up a brush.

Phil had acquired a chair and sat behind the couch brush in hand and a few small hair ties sat neatly on his lap. Techno sat on the floor in front of Wilbur dragging Tommy down with him. Tommy inhaled quickly as he was dragged to the ground making a simple oof sound when hitting the floor. Tommy flicked through the shows on tv trying to find one he wanted to watch as Techno started to slowly brush Tommy's sunny blonde hair. Wilbur always thought he had the best spot due to the length of Techno's bright pink hair; he had begun to brush it neatly after having taken it out of the messy braid he had made days ago. Techno's hair was the softest out of the family and the most well-kept hair due to Wilbur.

Phil disagreed with Wilbur saying that he had the best position because of how still Wil always was and how somehow his hair was the perfect to make little braids into. The only bad thing about it was he always forgot to steer clear of his pointed ears, but he was getting better. Tommy had found a boring movie to watch after Techno had scolded him for moving too much. Nearly an hour later the 3 brother's hair were done. Tommy had a small fishtail Techno had been trying weeks to perfect and actually looked decent this time around. Techno's hair had been braided and then wrapped up into a bun for combat purposes. Wilbur's hair didn't change much but had small little braids scattered throughout.

Phil had left the three to themselves in there as he cooked breakfast. Pancakes because he decided today was going to be a fun and exciting. Besides they were going up on a walk today up the mountain for some exercise and fresh air. What he didn't realise was that his 3 sons were in the other room plotting against him. What were they plotting? They were plotting a day of surprises really. Because it was the designated anniversary day of their official family.

"Okay so," Wilbur whispered even though Phil wasn't paying attention. "Tommy you get to be the distraction while Techno and I prep the day ok."

"Why is it always meee?" Tommy whined and the twins chuckled amongst themselves. Tommy then went to the kitchen to make small talk with their Dad. Techno snuck out and ventured into the woods to collect firewood as Wilbur collected the presents before returning to the room and finding Techno already in there lighting the fireplace up. Soon the pancakes were done, and Phil was somewhat happy the awkward chats with Tommy were over.

"Techno! Wil!" Phil called out waiting for their response but got none. He was walking to investigate but was grabbed from behind. He looked either side of him finding the very twins he was looking for. Deciding to not resist he was taken back to the couch and was sat there. He chuckled as Tommy brought the food over and as they all stood in a line in front of him.

"Good morning everyone," Wilbur started as Tommy tried but failed to hold his smile in. "We are here today to appreciate this wonderful man who took all 3 of us in when we had no one else and to give back in some sort of uh way." Even Techno couldn't keep his smile away any longer. Phil was shocked as Tommy passed him a necklace. It was a heart with two holes in it. He looked back at his son's tears starting to grow more apparent to the situation.

"You boys didn't have to do this you know..." Phil sniffed. "My best gift will always be you 3 ok." They nodded before tackling Phil in an epic hug that brought tears to even the 'big man' Tommy. Then the festivities they had planned begun. They did Phil's hair, played board games all together, watched some movies and made a cake. It was a splendid filled with tons of excitement and smiles.

The Sleepy Boys Family. Maybe the most well put together family ever. Ups and downs but in the end had each other's backs. And no one would ever want that to change.

i figured start off with some fluff then throw all the angst in ahhaha lol

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