Requests 3

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Friendships in the Wrong Place






Plot: Techno is cleaning up an area after bombs, killing those who are injured... with one exception. (Requested by Technobladenevadies)


Techno had been walking for a few hours. Phil had asked him to go scan the wreckage for anything useful. So far nothing, just bodies. It wasn't as horrific for Techno as it would be for first timers. He had now come across a small house that wasn't quite as destroyed as others. He entered the building holding his gun up in case he were about to be jumped. But he wasn't.

He ventured through the house, finding 2 bottles of water. And he found a child. The girl had been shot in the abdomen but somehow still holding onto life. He ended that quickly for her. A bullet was embedded into her forehead and she fell limp instantly. Techno wasn't satisfied with doing that, but the sobs had stopped and quiet engulfed him.

That was the drill

Someone's injured

Put them out of their misery

Tommy had been searching for water for maybe an hour now. Nothing. It was as if the houses had already been raided for their supplies. He'd seen a few bodies but thankfully hadn't thrown up yet. He was trying to avoid the enemy again and was so far doing a successful job. The enemy being

Anyone who has a gun

Tommy had encountered a soldier already. The guy had first shot his older brother, then blown up the house leaving him under rubble. Tommy remembered that he had said for Tommy to leave him, but Tommy had declined. He swallowed. He just hoped Wilbur was alive when he returned.

Techno noticed the blonde child after a few more minutes. He knew he would scare the little dude outta his skin with Techno's gas mask on. He was hidden behind a wall waiting for the kid to enter the house so he could finish him off. The boy looked well, but Techno could never be sure if they were enemies or spies. He rather work alone but occasionally with Phil.

Suddenly the muttering grew closer and Techno prepared himself. Then as the door pushed open, he turned to the boy and pinned him into the wall gun pointing between his eyes. In a brilliant moment the blonde had ducked from Techno's bullet and kneed him in the right spot in his leg, giving him a dead leg. Techno stumbled and went to aim at the boy again, but he was gone.

And so was a bottle of water

He needed that so he chased him upstairs. The blonde had locked himself in a bedroom and Techno burst through the door. The kid held his hands up in surrender not showing that he had taken the water.

"Give me back the water right now and I will spare you," Techno grumbled towards the teenager. He looked half starved but still strong. It had already amazed Techno he was able to get away this far.

"I need the water," the teen replied. "It's for my brother."

"Then I'll just have to kill you and find your brother and kill him too," Techno shrugged. "Water. Now."

"You son of a bitch," the blonde looked angry now. "Wilbur was right, you people have no souls." Now that hurt Techno. He had a soul of course but these were war times. "Hell, I even thought you could help us." Techno scrunched his face up feeling his moral compass kicking him in the gut.

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