Always Second Choice

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Plot: Wilbur isn't okay :) (NOT SBI FD)



Wilbur seemed completely fine. Sure he was quiet but he always showed off a smile to those close to him. 'Close' to him. But really he would go home everyday and watch YouTube instead of doing his work to cope with the little voice in his head. It was a tedious daily routine for the brunette. Today was no different from the rest.

He got up absolutely exhausted even though he had a full 9 hours of sleep. He put on his 'everything is totally okay' face and headed out to his family. His Father was at work already and his Mother was working on some online stuff while his little brother worked on getting ready. He wandered around mindlessly smiling and joking around with tired family members.

Soon he was in the car on the way to school talking to an online friend of his. Arriving at school he hugged his mum goodbye and entered the school grounds. First he had English with a friend. He liked the distraction. His friend thought he was annoying but in all honesty it distracted his mind from picking up every little mistake and turning it against him. Next was art. And art was the worst. He self consciously hated what he was doing but he remembered last week when he cut his finger


It ended up being an issue for his sports activity and he had it in a band aid for most the time so maybe he wouldn't get a scar like the other marks he had inflicted onto himself. But as he entered he saw the little blade unlike the digging tools used for lino cutting and he grabbed it immediately. He quickly slipped it into his pocket for later purposes. Art was difficult because his best friend was sat with his other friend and he was stuck on the outer. The lesson flew by quick as he listened to his new found favourite sad songs.

Then it was break. He retrieved the sandwich from his lunch and quickly slapped it into the bin along with the res of his lunch. Part of him stabbed at his guilt saying he didn't need to eat it at all but his guilt said other people would die for this food. But he soon forgot about it scrolling mindlessly through Instagram. He was dreading his sport activity that afternoon. All the boys on his team were always so fit and handsome. Unlike him.

Science was next and he just played games instead of doing his work because he was tired and just wanted to sleep and not wake up. But he couldn't. Science finished up quickly and he went to break again to just repeat what he did in the first break. Last but not least he had Design with his best friend. They were mainly chatting the whole lesson and making plans for the future. Wilbur wanted to stay here with his friend and not go back home to those who don't truly care for him. But he had to.

He was picked up after school and the 3 of them spoke of their days before arriving at home. His dad wasn't home yet but he started complaining about having to compete in a sports event against one of his former friends and feeling guilty about it. The conversation went awful. His mum ended up manipulating him into thinking that one of his former friends had a harder life than he had and that he had a great life. He wanted so bad to reveal all the secrets he'd been holding for the past year but didn't due to what happened the last time he vented into his family.

His mother also made a judgement on his person as every adult regularly does. So he ended up going to his room after that and finishing off his assignments and homework. 5:00 rolled by quickly and he was out the door to his sporting activity. His mum had gone out with friends to drink and his dad dropped him and his little brother at the entrance before going back to work. In the past hour and a half Wilbur had evaded a mental breakdown in the middle of sport because he fucked up too many times for his brains liking apparently.

Soon it was time to go and he got distracted looking at a bug but his family payed no attention to him. He ended up stop being so 'childish' and stood idly by as his dad spoke to his little brother in adoration and love. He was deep in his mind when he got home. But he had to keep his mask on. He ate dinner after being starving all day and then was sent to bed. As he was sure his parents and brother were in bed he proceeded to collect the blade from the art tool and pressed it to his heel.

This is what he deserved.

He deserved much worse than this but this'll do.

He never knew his scissors weren't the best tool to his pain relief until he tried this. It left less of a mark and got straight into his skin. It itched and stung but he smiled, proud of himself. And with that he turned the lights off attempting to sleep knowing it would never be that quick. He ended up finding himself on Instagram mindlessly scrolling. Soon everything he did wrong came back to him bringing tears to his eyes.

How he'd love to drink every poisonous substance in the household and leave everything behind. Maybe he'd finally get some rest. Maybe his family would realise how much he really was to them. But he couldn't. He felt too guilty. Instead he cried himself to sleep and the stinging faded.

Wonder how many scars he would get the next day

wooooooowwww cringe vent chapter check-

i hate this

i hate this so so much


have a good day/night <33333333333333333333

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