Chapter 37: Sunrise

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Shifting in their sleep, the night carried on. Going from a pitch-black night into a steady sunrise. Rays creeping through the blinds, shining into Gundham's eyes. His heavy eyelids lifting slowly, turning his head away from the blinding sun. He stared up at the ceiling, waiting for his mind to wake up. Peering his gaze to Sonia, who slept calmly beside him in his arms. Her hair spread between the two, loose strands clinging to Gundham's shirt. Her breathing slow and relaxed with a faint whistled snore rumbling in her throat. He felt hot, remembering last night. The date, the drinking, the excitement. Gundham carefully unhooked his arms from around her, sliding them under her torso and the many blankets until they were free. Sitting up slowly, he continued to keep his eyes on her. Watching his queen sleep, the most vulnerable time someone can be. Smirking, he extended his hand out, caressing the back of his index finger softly against her rosy cheek trailing off from her chin.

Gundham took his hand back in, uncovering the blankets from himself to step out of bed. Reaching to the jacket that rested on top of the Devas' cage, Gundham tended to the four of the fur-covered creatures' needs with seeds and pets until they were satisfied. Walking to the dresser and opening the drawer filled with clothes Sonia picked for him. Selecting his outfit for the day, he changed swiftly and managed to his wounds. Coming out of the bathroom with wrinkled pajamas in his hand, noticing Sonia still asleep. He set them aside, walking to her side of the bed. Squatting down to her eye-level, her face squished against the pillow, her lips glossy as a small glop of drool soaked into the fabric. A faint smell of alcohol and roses filled the air around her.

"Heh," Gundham chuckled, "It is time to awaken, my Dark Queen," He whispered, pressing his lips to her forehead. A small groan came from Sonia.

"Hrmmm," Sonia grumbled, digging her face further into the pillow.

"I had given you extra minutes of slumber, but we must be awake for the day," He tried convincing her. He sat there beside her for many silent seconds.


"More minutes?"


"More of what then?"

"Another," Sonia paused, "Another kiss." Sonia's head slightly raised, her eyelids barely open.

"So you felt that?" He asked, "Very well then, I suppose this is a type of transaction coupled-mortals do?" He laughed at his own joke as he kissed her forehead again, then again three more times. Sonia getting up with each press until their noses brushed together, "Will that be enough for now?" Gundham opened his palm to her.

"There will never be enough," She smirked, "But for getting out of bed, that will do," Sonia grasped onto his hand, lifting herself from the bed, the end of her nightgown swaying with her legs.

"We have appeared to awoken much later than usual," Gundham stated, taking a peek through the windows from the blinds. Sonia slipping her hands up behind Gundham's back.

"I don't think that will be a problem. It's not like we have much to do anymore."

"You're correct about that."

"Especially without Hajime."

Gundham turned his head to her, a frown on both their faces. Their bodies nudging closer to each other. Gundham wrapping his arm to her waist.

"We'll get Hajime back," Gundham promised.


Gundham sat at the side of the bed facing the Devas' cage while he waited for Sonia to get ready. Seconds and minutes passed as the Devas ran up his arm and back, nuzzling themselves into his jacket. San-D stood in the palm of his hands, squeaking for his attention.

"What is it San-D? Ever since you've been much more chatty than usual."

quk... nic...nic... swiik...

Gundham furrowed his brow, "I still give the Devas attention, I'm doing it right now!"

San-D puffed a low grumbling squeak, staring into Gundham's eyes and then passive-aggressively turning their back to him.

"I- How dare you?!" Gundham roared, "To turn away from me?!" He slammed his free fist onto his thigh. Thick moments of silence between the two, "Perhaps," Gundham dug into his pocket. San-D peeked their head around slightly, "Perhaps sunflower seeds can change your mind?" Gundham offered. San-D hesitated, frozen in place until jumping into his hand filled with a hamster's delight. "Aha! See you were not truly angry at me!" Gundham cheered as San-D stuffed their cheeks.

San-D chirped loudly then suddenly leaped out of his palm and back into the cage.

"San-D, why must you run off?" Gundham slumped down and sighed, dropping the leftover seeds into his pocket.

"I didn't know the Devas could get jealous."

"Ah!" Gundham flinched, turning to Sonia, who stood at the other side of the bed. "They are new to that emotion. They're not used to me being so close to others, especially mortals."

"I see."

"However, they can and will adapt to the situation," Gundham insisted, gently placing his hand over Sonia's. An army of angered chirps and squeaks roared from the cage. "But that's will take some time." He shrugged, wincing from the cluster of cries sourcing from the bratty Devas.

"I believe in them, you've already trained them to do many things. I'm sure of it that they'll learn to adapt to us too." Sonia wished, gripping her hands to his with a smile.

"You're always so optimistic, my Dark Queen," Gundham smirked as he began to stand up and kneeled onto the bed. His bandaged hand cupping her cheek, leaning into her for a kiss. The enraged chirps ceasing as they pressed into each other's touch. Their lips departing from each other for air.

"We should head to the restaurant now," Sonia advised, "We're already late as it is."

Gundham nodded to her command and the two went out of the door. The sky was cloudy and grey, a complete opposite to when Gundham woke up. The sun's rays struggling to penetrate the Earth, making all seem colorless and bland. Sonia and Gundham slowly walked together to the restaurant, her arm jointed with his. Seeing familiar faces as they paced down the wooden planks.

(bruh momento, :P ah oh ah, look at this Gundham I drew a few days ago, made this chapter bc I feel like I didn't write bc I didn't wanna write them waking up 😭 sometimes writing mornings is hard bc it seems so mundane to me, however, I realized i could stuff sweet Sondam moments into it and get the ball rolling w/ the plot)

(bruh momento, :P ah oh ah, look at this Gundham I drew a few days ago, made this chapter bc I feel like I didn't write bc I didn't wanna write them waking up 😭 sometimes writing mornings is hard bc it seems so mundane to me, however, I realized ...

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