Chapter 49: Take a pic!

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Sonia's eyes gazed down upon the numerous
stiff wires connected to the tiny camera. She twirled her finger around the wires, looping them tightly until reaching the base of the camera. With a sharp tug, its old rubber tubing exposed the many brittle copper wires. She tore off the wires, confirming that she could no longer be recorded by any means.

She clutched the broken camera into her palm, "I should've listened to you. I should've searched more," Her brow furrowed as she hissed words through her lips. A heavy sigh escaped afterward as she slowly stepped down from her chair and pushed it back to her desk. Placing the camera on top and facing away from it. She paced over to her dresser, opening it, and crouched down to her many clothes inside.

Ready to start a new day. A day which she wouldn't spend stuck inside her room. A day in which she wouldn't pout, cry or whine anymore. A day in which she stopped waiting for a sign or signal to be her savior. Her mind thought of taking action, action in which she wouldn't depend upon someone else. Her life was played out for her almost entirely as the Ultimate Princess. To what she wore, said, the limits of her hobbies, to who she married, every aspect of her life. However, her choice of enrolling in Hope's Peak changed it because she acted. Instead of being watched by the many eyes of her citizens, she could live normally with her peers. To live as the normal teenage girl she always wanted to be. Even to the many crimes she committed to the world, she can still live free from the rigid conditions of her former home. Her freedom was to never be tested again, and yet it's budged by the hands of the corrupt.

She squared her shoulders, puffed her chest, and gazed into herself in the bathroom mirror. She hunched herself over the sink, turning the knob to let the faucet run. Running water over her hands and splashing her face with it. The water ran down her cheeks like tears. Soaking into the edge of her hairline and collecting at the tips of her eyelashes. Puddles submerged her hands on top of the smooth ceramic sink as she glared into her eyes. They were tense, squinting into her own irises. She unclenched her jaw, her pruned fingers gripping at the edge of the sink, "God damn it all to hell!" The words rang through her ears, bouncing from tile to tile on the bathroom walls, and kept repeating even after she faced away from the mirror to change. Removing the usual green and white dress from her body and into a pair of black cargo pants with a white tee and baggy dark jacket. She was never a damsel in distress despite how much her life tried to make it, instead, she desired to be her own hero with her classmates. She knew she couldn't do it alone. To achieve freedom for the others. To save The Third Island.

She quickly shoved the tiny camera and wires into her pockets before stepping out from her cottage door. Locking the multiple deadbolts shut with her filled key ring, she could step away from her cottage confidently knowing no one could sneak inside through the door. Sonia ventured off into the main island, searching for Fuyuhiko. Knowing how desperately he was tired of the separation between the island, she knew he could desire for the same freedom to his fellow peers.

Her knuckles knocked against his cottage door. She stared off, dazing behind herself as she waited for a response. Knocking again in short intervals. But with no reply. Sonia's nose flared in frustration, he must've been out of his room. This was a rare occasion as he was normally cramped inside his cottage, similarly to his Sonia was before. She stepped away from his door and searched further.

Sonia began to quietly whisper her thoughts, "He couldn't have gone far, it's still early," she tried using logic to his absence and immediately checked the restaurant. She poked her head inside through the door, the aroma of savory scents flew to her nose. Enticing her empty stomach to enter inside. She tried to hush it, but it only growled louder, causing TeruTeru to peek his head out from the kitchen.

A wild smile merged onto his face, "Well, hello there, Sonia! You sure are a sight for sore eyes, huh?" His cheeks beamed a rushed red as he greeted her. It was too late for her to back out now that he had seen her.

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