Chapter 22: All But One

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— Sonia POV —

We lay there together on the bed still holding onto each other in our slumber. Until I felt movement, sudden sharp movements while in my sleep next to me. Reawakening from these mysterious outside sources, in the low light that we barely had, I could see and feel Gundham shifting constantly in his sleep, I tried holding him down, hoping that would cease and calm whatever caused his terrors. But none of it helped to even slow him. He was holding onto my arm tightly, his grip unshifting, without any sense of relief. I knew that in order to stop this, I had to wake him.

"Gundham, wake up please. Wake up, Gundham." I whispered to his resting body, shaking his arm and broad shoulder. Whispering and gently shaking him even more was successful, his movement stopped, and his eyelids slowly raising, tired from being awoken so late.

"Wha..?" He looked around, then back at me, "What is wrong, Sonia? You appear worried?" Gundham asked groggily, his voice was low and quiet, a small rasp while he spoke.

"You were moving in your sleep." I answered, one I replied he noticed how much he was gripping onto my arm, slowly we released his grasp, staring at me with guilt.

"I had not meant to do so, Dark Queen. I'm truly sorry. I'd never mean to hurt you." Gundham apologized, his voice even quieter, worry in his eyes for me.

"It's okay, Gundham, I'm wondering to why you were moving so much. That is more of my concern." I wondered, he let out a heavy sigh, turning back to look at the clock, then back at me.

"I was," He paused, "I was experiencing another nightmare. The same as last time." Gundham frowned, I frowned, feeling sorry for my poor animal tamer. All of those nightmares were terrorizing in their own way, all getting at us in our deepest fears. "Do you still have yours? Are they often?" Gundham asked more, wondering if he would deal with them for the rest of his life.

"Fortunately no, the nightmares and flashbacks go away after a few days of returning from our comas." I thought back, remembering the times when I had first woken. "When it was only the 5 of us, the nightmares faded in about only a few days. Hopefully it will for you too." I responded, my answer gave him hope as a light smile grew on his face in satisfaction.

"For I am more than glad to hear of such great news. Let us get back to bed, in hope for this time to carry no interruptions." Gundham wished me a goodnight, and slowly as we got snuggled back into each other, I saw the clock that was in my room, still unmoved to where it last was before, guessing that the power is still out. Gundham snuck a kiss on my forehead while I was staring at the clock, blushing we went back to sleep together. This time without any nightmares tormenting is for the rest of the night.

As the sun rose higher, it's beams crept into the edges of the curtains, flooding its light into the room illuminating it further. Time went on and the light began to reach to my eyes, alerting my body to wake up, slowly I did, moving my face away from the bright sun, now looking at Gundham, who was still, sleeping soundly, the only sound being a soft low snore which tumbled in his throat as he breathed in. He seemed to be the night owl type of person, he didn't feel as tired as he did compared to me while we stayed up together, and I made sure to always get up and go to bed regularly, however seeing how last night went, I wouldn't be too surprised if it were after our normal waking hours. Moving was difficult while in the bed together, he was holding onto me and my arm was almost under him, our legs entangled together like vines. All I could see in my vision was his face smooshed to the pillow beside me, his eyelids still, I could see every detail of his face up close, how handsome he was as the sunlight shined his hair. I could stare at it for hours, wishing I could play with his face, I'd stroke his cheek and play with his spiky hair. However, my day-dreaming came to a close as I saw his eyelashes flicker, and soon after his eyes opening, looking right back at me.

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