Chapter 27: The Room

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— Sonia POV —

After closing the hospital room door and walking outside the lobby area, I made haste to the restaurant. I had not shown my face in the main island for some time, as most of my time spent awake were used taking care of Gundham. Memories of cleaning him, his wounds, even some parts of his body. Mikan had given me instructions and guided me. She insisted that she'd do all the work, however I couldn't let her do that. I wanted to help as well, help Gundham, knowing my efforts would result to his return. And it did, and I haven't been happier. As the days passed it came closer and closer to the fall months, using constellation books and learning from the stars. That's how we figured out the months and days with the moon cycle. I remember doing most of the work, as some books needed to be translated from all sorts of languages. All my steps were filled with these thoughts and memories until finally hitting the restaurant's stair steps. Pushing myself up I could already hear the loud bickering and noise coming from the inside. Mainly a high pitched voice among the rest. Opening the door proved correct, as sides of the room were divided. With Hajime and Hiyoko butting heads together, like bisons battling each other.

"I'm telling you! I didn't know!" Hajime cried as Nagito rubbed his shoulders while Fuyuhiko, Peko and Akane stood behind him.

"For someone who didn't know anything, you sure were so calm in the whole situation!" Hiyoko bit back, Mahiru taking her side as Nekomaru, Mikan and Ibuki were opposite of the other group. Twogami stood at the sideline, not taking any of their sides.

I stood there by the entrance, standing in the middle of them, looking around helplessly as the two groups bickered on and on. Until noticing TeruTeru hiding behind the counters of the back. Sneaking behind them, I tip-toed my way to him, lightly tapping the counter making a shocked TeruTeru peek his head out.

"Ah!" He yelped, "Don't scare me like that!" TeruTeru warned, still cowering behind the shelves.

"What is going on?" I asked, staring back to the groups, even more heated than last time. "I walk in trying to get some breakfast and I see a whole debate?" I tried to explain, TeruTeru slowly peered more over the counter, feeling more comfortable.

"Look, I'll tell you what, I have no lick of a clue what's going on either!" TeruTeru explained, rubbing his chin in thought, with no idea to anything. "I was just cooking and started hearing some yellin'! Honest to god!" He stepped back as he told his story, the ovens and sinks cluttered with dishes and pans. He doesn't pay much attention to all the outside drama while working on his crafts. "Now you said you want some breakfast?" He twirled as he asked, ready to cook a meal for anybody.

"Oh- Yes! Two this time though." I signaled a two with my hands as the room became louder and more noisy when Hiyoko began to whine with Nekomaru screaming at Hajime. Our faces becoming tense.

"Ooh! Two this time?" TeruTeru hinted, trying to lighten the mood between us. "Lemme guess, he's back?" He asked while giving a smirk, as least he knew about Gundham and wasn't completely oblivious to the drama. I nodded to him, as not wanting to draw much attention to ourselves "Oooh yes! Don't tell no body though. It might fuel the fire happenin' ova there." TeruTeru quietly cheered, when leaned onto the counter, whispering his warning and giving a wink. I turnt my head again seeing Hajime's side growing smaller and smaller, with only Nagito left.

"Oh, heh, right. Thank you TeruTeru, as they say, I'll try to keep it on the 'down low.'" I used slang from what I heard from the others before, learning about their funky speech and slang was interesting to me. As becoming more familiar with them made me fit in more, or that's what I hoped.

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