Chapter 14: Beach Dreams

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(This chapter takes place in the time that Soda was with Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Peko)

— Gundham's POV —

The two of us sat there as the sun began to be covered by thin wispy clouds and the tides slowly inching back in. Continuing our small talk, it delve into mystery serial killers, the dark arts, and animal taming. The topics that kept us close together. First meeting Sonia, I'd never expect such an elegant person of power to be into such subjects nor take any interest into the dark arts, however it is truly wonderful to have someone there just as interested and willing to listen as you. But not for long, those light thoughts went to black, my mind reverting, giving flashbacks of horrific images, the type I saw in my dream.

"And I- I- uhhh," My mind drifted, remembering all I did before in a flash, all the blood and despair-filled pleads I heard before unleashing havoc to the city all under my command while mounting ill-trained beasts. Eyes stuck in place, unable to regain focus, wondering how to get out until.

"Gundham! Gundham! Are you there!?" I felt pressure on my arm, then shaking, after blinking a few times I was able to identify my surroundings. It was Sonia, she looked awfully worried, holding tightly onto my upper arm.

"I am back, I had become phased under some type of unknown magic." I tried playing off, however that just made her more worried, and caused an awkward silence. What if she knows? How could she possibly know? Perhaps Sonia gained the ability to read minds? No! That would be impossible! Not even I had reached that magic yet, if possible. Oh shut it! Just ask!

"Sonia, I have a question for you. Let's say hypothetically, after the first night of reawakening, one were to have nightmares of some sort?" I asked looking away at her and to the ocean, trying not to trip over my words. I've never had such dreams before, not any such as night terrors like that.

"Everyone has one the first night back." Sonia sighed, there was a sense of relief yet frustration in her voice. Perhaps since we all had to go through it. "The dreams are the memories that we had lost while remnants of despair." Her smile fell straight, her usual chirpy optimistic attitude gone. I could see a slow tear drip and drag down her face, alarming me. "I still remember mine, even after all this time of being back on the real island." She took long pauses in her sentences.

"No, no, you don't have to." I reassured, reaching my hand out to her but to quickly pull it back. Taking a minute to think, I scooted closer to Sonia in the sand, "Dark Queen, only tell me if you truly wish to."

"I do, Gundham, sharing our experience with it is the only way all of us will get past it." Sonia advised, looking up at me, taking a final sigh before sharing her time as one of the remnants. "I had traveled back to my kingdom in Novoselic. All of my people were cheering of my arrival. After wishing for me to come back and help with what had happened in the outside world. However, all their hope made from my return, only cracked deep into despair. I remember, I had them all ordered to be killed, killed in the worst ways possible. In front of family, friends, and people they barely knew. Some citizens went to suicide to it, would rather have a quick death than to the ones who died painfully. All... because... of me..." Sonia's last words cracked under her crying, to recall such an action like that, to her people, not in the right state of mind. Not bearing to see her like this, I tried reaching out again, trying to comfort in anyway possible. I was close as possible to her, slowly and awkwardly inching my hand to her shoulder, giving it a slow caress and gentle pats.

"What was my reason for doing this? I've never once done this before, yet I feel inclined to do so. Seeing a person in pain, seeing her in pain, I couldn't help myself but to try to comfort. My body aches to do more, to try more, be more, however my mind stops me, holds me back. To be released from this mind lock, and be at ones side. I shall do what I can, to find the key of this forsaken lock.

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