Chapter 15: Desire, Passion, Suspicion, Jeaously, Anger, Betryal

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— Gundham POV —

We continued our walk and talked for a while, pausing for a few moments within our chats. We were getting closer to the restaurant by then, but San-D decided to make a surprise visit and emerge from the collar end of the jacket. Giving out a shocked squeak to seeing Sonia's face instead of mine.
"No! No! San-D it's me!" Sonia reassured, petting the top of San-D's head with her finger, this calmed her down. San-D gave thankful chirps back and nuzzled the side of Sonia's cheek. Causing the rest of the Devas to come out and see what was happening.
"It appears they've taken favor to you." I suggested as they all began to nuzzle her soft face.
"They're just all so cute! When I took care of them I could never put them down, I'd play with them all day." Sonia held one in the palm of her hands, as two others sat on top her shoulders. I blush at every time she compliments the Devas. "It wasn't easy though, I tried doing all my research caring for them."
"Correct, if I remember correctly you never actually had any pets while in your homeland." I reminded myself, by the time we finished talking more about her home and animal care, we had reached the restaurant's entrance. Pacing up the steps and reaching for the door handle, I quickly opened and let her set foot inside first. But to our dismay, immediately when we entered, it appeared as if others had the same idea.

— Soda POV —

After being dragged back to the restaurant by Fuyuhiko, we took our seats in the back. TeruTeru, Mahiru, and Hiyoko were already in the restaurant when we got in. The serving table had a variety of freshly cooked foods neatly served on silver platters.
"Looks like TeruTeru was expecting people to get hungry about now, huh?" Fuyuhiko assumed, looking at the clock which was a bit late for lunch time.
"It appears so, let's just hope that was his intention." Peko mumbled while crossing her arms. Intentions or not, I couldn't care less with what I ate, I already had other things on my mind than food. But in came TeruTeru, waddling to our table carrying the type of notebook waiters would.
"Hello, hello, hello! You all look like some hungry people, and that's just the problem I can solve!" TeruTeru blabbered on and on about specials, and the dishes he perfected the most out of his cooking, as well as winked at Mikan and Peko. The two both glared at him in disgust. "Heheh... tough crowd, huh?"
"Just give us anything good that you got! Surprise us." Fuyuhiko ordered for all of us, we didn't know exactly what he could make with the limited resources on the island.
"Alllright! A big ol' dish of surprise coming right up!" TeruTeru twirled away, clapping his dummy thick cheeks with each step he took.
"Ahhhh!!" Yelped Hiyoko, "It's murderer pig barf again!" She pointed around both Mikan and Peko, Mikan screeched, tugging on her hair. Peko only glared down, while Fuyuhiko advised for her to just ignore the insulting kimono wearing toddler.
"Hey! Hiyoko!" Mahiru scolded, "What did I tell you about saying that type of stuff?" She gritted her teeth, waving her finger.
"Hmf! Okay..." Hiyoko looked down frustrated, and giving into the red head photographer. She mumbled under her breath, "You win this time."
Trying to keep my mind off of what I saw, what angered me the most today, about how much it bothered me, the table made small talk for how Hajime runs of islands and the roles we took while most of them were out. If it wasn't for me those damn life preserving pods wouldn't be running. I remember times where Hajime woke me up in the middle night to check them cause he was afraid they 'broke'. Even when Future Foundation was here, it was a whole 'Here, live life in this island cause everyone hates you.' thing and left.
I didn't even notice I was starting to phase out, not realizing TeruTeru had served us our dishes, not even the rich scents coming just below me pulled me out of my thoughts. It was only then until Fuyuhiko noticed I didn't eat anything.
"Yo," He tapped my arm, "Your food's getting cold, you good?" I flinched from being brought back by reality so quickly.
"Oh... yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just was thinking." Looking down at the surprise food, TeruTeru's dishes always amazes me, even the limited food supply we produce he can still make a 5 star meal out of it. It was the salmon that we often fished for in the mornings. After taking a bite I was fully convinced of this chef, there were mainly the sweet and salty flavor with hints of zest. But with what I immediately saw after, my appetite was ruined.
It was them. Gundham and Sonia, and even worse is that they weren't far off in the distance anymore. I could see it up close, every detail, confirming what I saw. Seeing his thick, long, black jacket on her. Just seeing the two of them made my stomach turn and grit my shark teeth in cringe, yet I couldn't stop staring. My sight was glued onto them, stuck in place only to them. Sonia ran up to the serving counter, talking to TeruTeru, probably taking their order. I could feel Gundham's glare right back at me, he could feel the heat radiating, fuming from my skin. He's trying to toy with me, he knows exactly what he's doing.
They sat down at the table, not far from the entrance, backs turnt to me. My head blazes with anger, my eyes targeted on them every moment that went by. Observing their every move. I failed to care for my meal after this, no matter how good it was. All my attention was on them. Especially him. I swear, I could see his head tilt slightly back, mocking me, giving me sharp glances that stabbed into my sanity. I knew it was true when he extended his hand out to the side, sliding slowly, caressing up her back and finally placing it over her shoulder. With the worst thing ever being, Sonia, herself, giving into his side, scooting closer and leaning on him.
My breathing was out of control, taking in and out air abruptly, becoming more and more enraged looking at them. The air became dense, suffocating me, pushing my lungs up with every attempt. My heart beating faster than ever before, head throbbing from not blinking for minutes. I couldn't take it anymore! Looking at this! Looking at them! Hitting my limit, storming out of the restaurant, needing to take in the fresh air. After breathing in and out slowly, giving my mind to rest and collect my thoughts, I had decided that this was the day Gundham Tanaka became my worst enemy.

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