Chapter 6: Hamsters and Tea

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Sonia's POV —

        We had finally made it, it's quite a walk from the hospital to the cottages. It is on a separate island after all, however, we never need to worry about being all alone late at night again. The fear that one of us will turn on each other has been wiped away, I hope.

       For the entire walk, I supported Gundham. At the hospital, he could barely get up in his own. I could tell deep down that he wanted to get out of the room, but he isn't the type to ask for help. He's closed about letting people into his life, but I'm glad to be apart of it in the ways I can. It saddens me that people would see him as weird, especially some of the others on this island. They think his dark magic and the hamsters he cares so much for are odd, but I think it's sweet. He puts his life into the things he's passionate about and I can relate to him about that, I wish to learn more about it since it's so interesting.

"Looks like we're here." I addressed pulling out the key to unlock my cottage's door. Still holding up Gundham, we entered the room. I decorated my room not too long ago, there was a hot plate along with kettle on my desk. We have electricity from a generator Kazuichi fixed up, so that is how I get my tea or coffee in the morning. Not far from my bed was the cage the hamsters stayed in, I always tried to refresh their cage regularly to keep it clean, however 4 hamsters can be a lot at times. "Where would you like to sit Gundham?" I asked.

"Close to my four dark devas of destruction," answered Gundham, pointing at the cage. Following to his request, I guided him to the cage and sat him down at the edge of the bed closest to the cage. I hope I took care of them okay, it would be terrible if I accidentally did anything wrong. All he did was take them out the cage and played with them for a bit. A bright smile gleamed from both our faces, even the hamsters were all squeaking in joy. Gundham nuzzled the top of their heads with his finger, giving them food from his hand. "It looks like they were take excellent care of." Gundham mumbled, the hamsters running up and down his arms.

       "I am glad, this was the first ever time caring for animals, back in my country, royalty did have pets, however it was mainly the servants that maintained them." I explained to him.

       "That is truly a shame, taking care of them is the part of having them, otherwise they are merely show animals. And that's no good." Gundham huffed, I understood where we was coming from, have an animal only for display shouldn't be even considered a pet.

"I was afraid that since I am not experienced with caring for them, that I might done something wrong." I worried, turning my eyes back and forth to the hamsters and Gundham.

"For not having any past experience, they are doing good even without my company. However, I am sure my four dark devas of destruction are more than glad to see me." Gundham assured as he continued to pet his hamsters and making them do tricks.

"Well, I did had the best animal breeder to teach me before fully taking care of them." I thanked him with a smile, both our cheeks grew hot with a hue of red. He turned away, more than half his face dug deeper into that magenta scarf he always wore.

        After watching Gundham play with the hamsters I asked if I could play with them too, he accepted since they've gotten used to me during the time I looked after them. But right when I extended my hand to reach for Cham-P, the largest orange hamster, instead of feeling his fuzzy, soft body with my arm, I felt the bandaged hand of Gundham. We sat there for a moment, in confusion, our hands still on top of each other. Looking into each other's eyes, my face got hot and I could tell his was too no matter how much he buried himself into his scarf.

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