Chapter 25: My Kind of Woman

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— Gundham POV —

Black surrounding my body, sucking me into its black tar lagoon, it's sticky fluids filling into my lungs, suffocation overcoming me. Being transported into it, standing once more, into a black-lit room. Walking around, searching this unexplored place, flurry, fuzzy wisps blew around me. Coaxing me with their circular movements, guiding towards more of them, until finally reaching what seemed to be a whole network of them. Illuminating images of memories from my life.

Following the purple wisp road which lit up as I stepped, observing as clips of my younger self, alone during any school activities. Refusing to play or work with other children in the classroom. Skipping school to avoid Sports-Day, just to not be around anyone. Seeing my birthdays play-out with no other children, only me and my mother. Blowing out candles, wincing at her poor cooking, yet I ate it anyway, for her.

Continuing forward, watching myself mature older from a child to teenage years, the first memory of Hope's Peak Academy was displayed by the wisps. Looking up at that great, tall school, promising of success, and by the end seeing it in shambles. The sky dark orange and red, filled with the pollution of chaos. My eyes reliving the destructions we all had caused, feeling as if it was endless. Until it stopped, the Future Foundation capturing us, ceasing our mass demolition in despair, being put into that life simulation, which was in hope to restore us, however it was corrupted. The wisps faded back, thinking to myself that since I were in that simulation, I had no real-life memory to it. My hypothesis being correct as they flickered back, monitoring myself in the pod at the hospital.

Watching Sonia by me, awaiting for my return from the coma, all what happened recently replaying from the wisps. The first night back, spilling the tea on the bed, sharing rooms, everything. Dropping to my knees as the wisps lit my face, my reflection seen from their screen, my eyes shaking, watching as I held Sonia close, my heart aching from every beat, the black tar dripping back to me. My legs sinking into it, slowly sinking deeper and deeper in its dark abyss. No. Not like this. My mind racing, hyperventilating as her sleeping body held onto mine, our bodies close, sharing our warmth under the same sheet. Whenever I was, I wanted out. I needed out. Get me out!

Jolting myself back up, the tar sticking to my legs, dragging me down as I tried stepping through. Running in search of any possible exit, the wisps chasing after me, displaying all the kisses we've shared, rewinding them over and over. Sonia's sweet words echoing through this tar-dungeon, rumbling the ground. Sprinting endlessly, reaching to no doors or walls. It became harder to move, barely trudging through as the tar reached to my waist, making me immovable. Turning my head up, it showed no roof, nothing, nothing at all. Descending further deeper, flailing my arms up as it consumed my sides, with no way out.

I begged and begged, begging to be removed of this torture chamber. Glancing down at myself in the tar, a white glare torched the tar, quickly turning my head up to see a white circle from the top stretching bigger and bigger, filling the limitless room, removing the tar. Lifting my body up, carrying me somewhere, the wisps continuing to follow me, trying to keep pace with this white light.

Leaving the room, we flew, seeing the world from space, watching as it gradually rotated, soaring to Earth like a meteor, seeing the island's shape as we came close. Recognizing them as the buildings as we flew, joy injecting into myself. The white light carried me away, gliding to and from the islands, until finally reaching to the hospital. It guiding me into one of the rooms, pushing me into the bed. My vision going black, and all is silent.

Thrusting up into the air, taking in a deep, full breath. I noticed as hospital equipment surrounded me. Wires connected to me, reading my heart rate, blood, and all other vitals. My arm and leg having a dull, constant pain, holding it up, unraveling my sleeve to reveal a long line of stitches parallel to my forearm. Gasping in shock, flinching back, then my fingertips steadily brushing against the stitches. Feeling each thread that ran through my arm, keeping the wound together. Then immediately rolling up my pant leg to see what bandages were in there, it was a singular bandage on the back of my thigh, pushing against it, it stung, balling my hand into a fist and clenching my teeth in pain. Laying back down, my head diving into the pillow, glancing at the window, the moon was full and high into the sky, stars filling the sky, twinkling to each other. My thoughts stopped, as I heard footsteps coming nearby partnered with a door opening. Wondering to whoever it could be, I pulled the blanket over me, making predictions to if it were friend or foe. Staring at the door, awaiting for the possibly of anyone coming in. Watching as the door crept open, yet still too dark from the other side to know who it was. Staying silent, continuing to watch like a lioness stalking its prey. My body lifting itself, the blanket sliding off of me, my jaw dropped to seeing who it was, and knowing it couldn't have been anyone better. It was Sonia, holding a tray of medical items and other miscellaneous items. A giant, open smile on both our faces as we recognized each other.

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