Chapter 50: Farewell.

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Nagito shook his head, "Despair-inducing photographs of Gundham," he answered while pacing to Fuyuhiko, extending his hand to his.

"No!" Sonia yelled, slapping Nagito's hand from behind her, "Keep those away from me. Keep them away. Please." Her face was still hunched over the towel bowl, despite her purging ceased.

"Are they really that bad?!" Fuyuhiko asked, looking back at Nagito and to Sonia.

She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and nodded, "Yes. Yes, they are." Sonia paused, "If you truly do wish to see them, I grant you my permission, however, do it away from me. From where I cannot hear."

Fuyuhiko stared at Sonia, her bottom lip was curled inward with mist in her eyes. Taking a deep breath in, he pushed himself up from the ground beside her, walking out the bathroom and shutting the door. Nagito nodded and the two walked at the opposite side of the room, speaking together with quiet low voices. Nagito hesitantly slipped the photographs into Fuyuhiko's fingers, the white blank sides still facing up. Unknowing to what horrors were under these thin plastic sheets, a lump formed in his throat. He gulped, flipping them over. Before he could even fully process every photo, his hand began to shake as each displayed the crimson splattered face of Gundham. Several photos of blood spilling and dripping down his face from the many slashes across his eye. Others displaying the assumed hand of Kazuichi holding a glass shard digging within his thin layer of skin and flesh. The last few without any sort of rhythm, pattern, or theme other than pure torture and despair painted across Gundham's pale and bloody complexion, one eye shut down deaf life as the other was opened wide as can be. Flowing with tears from his eye, sweat beading down his temple, and his lips tasting the iron of his blood as he wept uncontrollably in every frame. Sonia wasn't lying; these photos really were this bad. Bad enough to the point Fuyuhiko began to gulp to keep himself from becoming sick. He clenched his fists to the plastic papers, his nostrils flaring as he steadily huffed air in and out his lungs.

"Hey! Don't damage them!" Nagito whisper-yelled at him, he swiped his hand trying to snatch them away.

Fuyuhiko grit his teeth, slamming them into Nagito's chest, "Fucking take them! I've seen torture and whatnot in my days. But, shit, he took that shit too far, man! Destroy them now."

"Destroy them? Why?" Nagito questioned, placing his hands on the loose pile of photos.

The gangster's jaw dropped, shaking his head in disbelief, his gaze switching back and forth to Nagito and the shut bathroom door. He stomped to him, heightening himself on his top toes, his gritted teeth hissing between his lips, "Those bastardly photos disturbed her to the point of sickness! And almost myself and that means something! How the hell can you say we shouldn't destroy them with a straight-fucking-face!?"

"Fuyuhiko, Fuyuhiko. Do you not see the advantage we have in this? I thought you knew better. Hmph!" Nagito clicked his lips and puffed his cheeks with puckered lips.

"Advantage? What advantage do we have?"

"Perhaps, I should share that later," Nagito signaled his head to behind Fuyuhiko, he turned himself around to see Sonia slowly exiting herself from the bathroom. Half through the doorway. Nagito tidied the pile of photographs and placed them into his jacket pocket, "We haven't explained ourselves yet, Fuyuhiko, there is still much Sonia needs to know."

Fuyuhiko's feet raced to her, he stared into her eyes, they were puffy with a slight hue of pink, "You feeling better?" He asked as she wiped away at her eyelids. Sonia gave a weak nod. Her bottom lip was moist and barely trembling, but shortly steadied by biting down upon it. She walked past Fuyuhiko to Nagito and shifted her gaze into his blank eyes.

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