Chapter 12: Hidden Away (REAL)

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- Sonia POV -

Bashing open to the outside of the restaurant's doors, Gundham was no where in sight. It's as if he was the speed of a cheetah on the hunt. However, there was Peko and Fuyuhiko standing just outside. Bewilderment in their eyes as I charged out. Before they could respond in words, I blurted "Had you seen Gundham run out of here!?"

"Yeah we had, he was running real damn fast though! He looked like he was running towards the hotel, around north-west," informed the small suit-wearing Baby Gangsta. With that, I pushed myself to the hotel, still no sign of his y'all dark-hamster figure. Except a small, pink haired character paired along with the tipsy nurse.

"Not exactly what I need, but maybe they saw him too..." I quietly sighed to myself, stepping closer them. The two were in mid-conversation

"Oh yeah did I tell you who Hajime got?" Soda asked Mikan.

"N-no, I only know you pulled out m-my name." Mikan stuttered, almost losing her balance.

"Well, the sad man got Nagito of all people. Talk about bad luck... well for Hajime at least..." Soda scratched the back of his neck, giving out a wheezy snicker that Mikan joined in shortly.

"Err... Hello Soda, Mikan," I introduced myself before fully stepping into their conversation. Wait, I thought Soda was in the restaurant, why is he here? Whatever, might as well ask just to have an idea where to go.

"Guhh... Miss Sonia! Hehe! What are youuuu doing here?" Soda's eyes glitter as the shark toothed grin grew, Mikan looking back and forth at us awkwardly.

"Uhm right, did you happen to see Gundham run past here by any chance? Peko and Fuyuhiko said he did." I asked, the grin on Soda disappearing.

"Pssshh! Gundham this, Gundham that, Anyways, I didn't see him, so, looks like your 'knight' is lost" Soda puffed in jealously.

"Hey! Don't you dare-" I spat, Mikan interrupting me.

"W-WAIT!! I-I did see him..." Mikan stared down at her feet, "S-Soda only had gotten here a while ago.. but I saw him!" She pumped her fists and shut her eyes closed. "H-he ran off to around the shore! Or at least that's where I saw him last.." pouting putting a finger to her bottom lip.

"Aww! Thank you Mikan!" I gave her a warm smile in thanks for her help, but darted a stare into Soda just before leaving. He screamed and took a step back in fright. It's quite the distance from the hotel to the beach, but it would make sense to be there. No one would be there by now after being at the restaurant for some time. Especially if you ran there at this pace. My mind trailed behind as I got to the beach as quickly as I could. Thinking all about what happened just moments ago. The names, papers, and words he told me. Never give up, never giving up on me. I don't think he ever got close to someone like that, it's a new, strange, but comforting feeling to know. By the time my steps finally hit the sand, my thoughts were fogged by everything. All revolving about him, around Gundham, around last night. I couldn't get him off my mind, but yet I never want them to go away. The beach's shore is long, but searching will take even longer. But if there was a chance, I'd take it. Stepping on loose sand, to harder coarse rocks, to where the horse-shoe crabs nest. I searched, giving me all the time to think. My hand clenched on the folded paper from the drawling. However's name is on here will be the one I have to monitor until Hajime gives us the clear. I hope it is someone good, hopefully not... TeruTeru. Stepping more and more as my search continues.

- Gundham's POV -

       The Devas crawled all over me to the sounds of waves breaking. I sat there in the sand, my coat sheltering me from the weak winds. The normally pale face, still flush with red from moments prior, blood rushing to my face and others. Questions, why did I do that? Why in the restaurant? Why when others were around? My reputation now fragile to my actions, but I couldn't stop. One of the Devas pulled me out of my thoughts, snipping my hand.

"What is it, Maga-Z?" I questioned, the snarky hamster rose on its feet and chirped to me. "Why? Why must you question me?" He squeaked back, his head bobbing up and down. "I had to do what I was required to, Maga-Z, you know that the most." The white and brown hamster, puffed and gave back a final response back before hiding back into my jacket. "You are positively insane! F-Fallen in- No! The Forbidden one is prohibited from participating in such actions!" Patting myself down to find this fiend. I stopped shortly after, I could feel shifting in the sand from nearby, someone is getting close to me. Stepping into a battle stance, I stood there for a few seconds before this mystery thing became visible. The figure became more and more familiar as it got closer. Before then, I knew who it was, and lowered my guard. It was Miss Sonia, there was a thick layer of sand covering the bottoms of her red shoes.

"Finally!" She dashed closer, a tired but joyful open smile on her smooth face. "I've been looking for you, you ran out the restaurant like that, I knew I couldn't just leave you!" She panted hard, trying to catch her breath.

"B-but what for? Why did you come at this way? For... me..?" I asked, hearing Maga-Z's muffled squeaks and remarks coming from inside my jacket.

"Like I said, I couldn't leave you! Not after how much you've helped, from last night and today." Sonia stepped closer, admiration and determination filled through her words.

"Oh," I cleared my throat, "You are correct about that, I apologize for making such a scene back at the cafeteria. I had no prediction of Soda acting out, however it was expected of him." I admitted, glaring down, feeling even more blushed while being buried into the scarf.

"You are forgiven, Gundham. Such a mighty knight was only caring to his duties." Sonia smiled, her light hair gleamed in the sun. The weather started to clear, the sun out and clouds drifting away for a light blue sky. Sonia looked around, and sat down on the sand. Waving her hand as a signal to sit with. We watched the small waves going in and out before asking me, "Gundham, if want to say, why did you leave?" I sat there for a moment, collecting the right words to say in response.

"I had left because," My eyes wondering from the waves, to Sonia, the sand and sun, "Because I have never done that before. Never. And I was caught off guard by the pesky Soda" I admitted.

"I understand, what do you think about the whole 'having to be monitored' situation?" Sonia asked again, the paper gripped in her hand.

"The Forbidden One must always predict the unpredictable, however it is a lottery to whomever was chosen by me. However, I do hope for a certain one to have picked me." I slowly looked at her, an unseen smile snuck on me, hidden by my scarf.

"Hehe," Sonia covered her mouth and let out a giggle, "I hope you get your choice then, however I haven't looked at mine yet. I wanted to open it with you," She handed the neatly folded paper to me. Together we unraveled it, and I couldn't be any more relieved. For it was me.

😭😭 oMg so sad anyways 🤬🤬🤬 y'all better!!! !!!
For the person who commented on the joke chapter first: this chapter is for you

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