Chapter 28: Bed and Breakfasts (Mild NSFW)

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— Sonia POV —

Making myself rush to reach to the hospital, carefully carrying the warm plastic boxed trays of breakfast. I made it to the entrance, stepping inside slowly as I elbowed my way into Gundham's room. Opening up to see him staring outside the window, birds sitting on the ledge, the two of them whistling at each other. He gave a final tweet to the bird before turning back to me, a cheerful smile on his face, welcoming me back.

"How was your great journey for breakfast, Dark Queen?" He asked warmly, more and more birds perching themself to the window's ledge.

"It went well. The others were in a huge argument however. But TeruTeru was hiding behind the counters." I responded, answering his question as I placed the food boxes nearby the two of us. Grabbing the hospital pull-out food table, pulling it beside us.

"An argument?" Gundham questioned, sitting up, ready for his meal. "What of?""

"Hajime being a betrayer, like I mentioned before." I answered, placing his box to him, and opening up my own, handing him his utensil.

"Oh." Gundham coldly grunted, crossing his legs. Hunched over, lightly leaning onto me.

"I didn't pay much attention to it. I could only think about getting back to you." I turnt my head to look down at him, staring calmly him his red-grey eyes.

"Heh," Gundham chuckled, staring up at me, his glassy eyes reflecting from the sun shining behind through the window. "You have no time for such petty arguments?" He leaned even more onto me, chuckling more.

"In Novoselic we had to budget our time wisely. I have no need to be dragged into such wastes of time." I explained, everyday back in my home county was busy, busy, busy. Leaving no room for any free-time for even myself.

"Likewise to us demons." Gundham nodded, he stayed out of it from choice, yet I still respected him for that. There shouldn't be fights happening anymore, we should've left that as we left that killing game.

"Now," I crackled open the plastic trays, the hot food's steam gliding up into the air. Filling the room with its delectable scents. "Let's not just sit here with our tummies rumbling." I clasped my hands together, our mouths watering from looking and smelling the food. Digging right in. TeruTeru made a classic western-style breakfast. Consisting of sunny-side up eggs, toast and sausages. Garnished with all types of herbs and spices.

"Anything else peculiar while out?" Gundham asked, the two of us almost cleaned our plates. As his cooking was always desirable and never enough.

"No, other than that it was normal. But that Twogami guy. When I was waiting for the food. He went up to me. And said something about Hiyoko and Hajime both being up to something. Very odd." I narrowed my eyes, remembering back to the random conversation Twogami had made during the argument. Wondering to whatever his intention could be.

"Hm." Gundham dipped his face into his scarf as he thought, "He is the black sheep. Not many are very close to him. However, it suits him for being the Ultimate Imposter."

"Yeah, not much for opening up to people." I affirmed before putting the last bit of egg into my mouth, chewing it down. Our plates with only crumbs left. "What were you doing while I was gone?" I asked, looking back down at Gundham, our shoulders rubbing deeper together as we relaxed.

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