Chapter 41: Walkiez-Talkiez

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Gundham jutted himself up from the bed, his eyes piercing into the travel bag. Almost ripping its front pocket open to retrieve the walkie-talkie. Her voice repeating the same line as before.

"Testing. Testing. This is Sonia Nevermind."

Gundham rotated the transmitter in his hands, it was dark-grey all over its plastic body with a thick antenna protruding at the top. On the sides were multiple buttons that controlled an on-screen menu. Volume. Brightness. An unlabeled button. Pressing it without thinking, the transmitter rang out a static beep. Gundham dropping the transmitter onto the rug in shock.

"Gundham? Gundham? Was that you?"

Grabbing it once more, he gulped, pressing down onto the smooth rubber button, again rang the beep.

"Sonia?" His voice trembled, his knees dug deeper into the fibers of the carpet, his knuckles grazing past them. "Is that truly you?"

"It truly is."

The edges of Gundham's mouth curled into a smile, it was really Sonia Nevermind. He steadied himself up from the floor, pacing inside the motel room slowly. The transmitter close his ear as if it were glued stuck. Pressing down onto the button. "It was quick of you to use this mortal magic of yours!"

"Oh! The walkie-talkies? No, no, it's nowhere near as advanced as the dark arts you perform! This is only Earthly science!"

Despite the cheer in her voice, it was congested, a sniffle often broke her sentences apart midway. A pause of silence stuck between each message delivered.

Gundham's mouth tried putting the words together. His lips forming to the sound of her name, but before his throat could release the noise.


He swallowed the air, "Yes? Sonia?"

"How have you been doing? I know it's only been a day or so, but, are you okay?"

The ends of her words began to break apart, he could only imagine what she had looked like in the other end.

"My Dark Queen, I certainly do speculate you are physic in a way. But," Gundham paused, staring up at the decaying yellow walls, "But, I have been trying to hold up. I have taken notice of previous actions of mine made while on this separation."

"Previous actions? Like what?"

"The first realization occurred when trying to slumber. The first night, it was somewhat difficult to sleep. The only element to ease my mortal body's nerves was clinging to a pillow." His face felt hot as he confessed, scratching his cheek softly. He could hear a small giggle over the other end, "What? Does it make me seem," Gundham choked on his words, "Immature?"

"Oh! No! No!" She paused, "It's just, I had a similar feeling first night too."

"Similar feeling?" Gundham questioned.

"It was like yours, but instead of needing to hold something. I felt the reverse."

"To be held?" He finished her thought, feeling his heart pound with agony. Wishing he could fill her desire and a million more.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Did you read my letter?"

Her tone being grim and low, her voice barely passing as a whisper, almost distorted with the static.

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