Chapter 10: Personal Knight

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Sonia's POV —

      The restaurant isn't far from the cottages. So it doesn't take long to get there, however nothing seemed to be active. Mainly cause we're arriving early, but that conversation we had before stuck with me. Why would he ask that? I do not fear him at all! If I truly did, I would've never waited for him each day, never would fed his pets, never would wait in that room for him to wake while the others did, never held him up to the cottages, never would've offered my room. I never, would've, never. All the things I'd never do if I was scared of him filled my mind. Even if many of my actions are unknown to him, I still did them for him. All that thinking made me forget how far we had went, Gundham was looking at me the whole time I was phased out.

       During all that time, "Sonia," Gundham alerted, "We're here." He bent down, "Dark Queen?" It was only then until he placed his bandaged hand on my shoulder when I went back to reality.

       "Oh! We're here? How long was I standing here?" I asked, cheeks red from embarrassment.

       "Only for a mere seconds, however you were silent and staring the whole walk." Gundham informed, his scarf was wrapped all over his face.

       "Then we still have time, let's go in now," I tried to brush off that daydreaming and head inside. Gundham nodded and we both stepped inside, no one was in the restaurant. However, the supply closet was wide open. "This must be where you had found those cleaners when we tried getting rid of that stain." I guessed.

       "You are correct," Gundham puffed his chest, but then sadly said, "however, we still couldn't get it out."

"That is alright, like you said, we can continue to change rooms until the it's cleaned," I smiled, I don't mind if the stain actually gets removed. As long as I'm safe and not being murdered, I'll survive sleeping in a rarely-used cottage.

Minutes past after talking with Gundham, its about to be time when Hajime and the others would start to come in as well. I continued to wonder what we'll even talk about, surely Hajime has a plan on what to do with everyone now. I really hope so. My train of thought was broken. Noticing Gundham kept looking back at me then back to the wall. I raised an eyebrow, "Is there anything wrong, Gundham?"

He cleared his throat, "Nothing exactly, however, there seems to be a leaf-like item in your hair. I suspect it appearing when we walked over here."

"Oh!" I reached back, trying to find it, "I cannot seem to find it, am I close?" My hands scattered around my hair, trying to pick it out.

"No, It's lower." He responded, his face was red all up to his forehead despite trying to mask it with the scarf.

"Gundham, I can't reach that far. My hair is too long" I pouted, looking up at him. Gundham scratched his chin, and his face lit up with the idea.

"Dark Queen, I have found our solution." Gundham chuckled, "Watch, as one of the four dark devas of destruction navigates and removes this leaflet!" After he announced that, Maga-Z crept out from Gundham's jacket, crawling down his arm and leaping onto my shoulder. I could feel tiny little hands carefully go though my hair and within seconds the tiny leaf was out. Maga-Z returned back to Gundham's jacket after being treated for the amazing trick.

"You can teach your adorable hamsters anything!" I praised, my hair now neat without any leaves inside.

"T-Thank you," Gundham blushed, instead of hiding his face, he slightly looked away.

"You know, if we were in my country, I'd hire you at one of my personal knights." I admired, Gundham's jaw dropped and was totally bewildered.

"Me? The Forbidden one as your personal knight? Really?" Gundham questioned, scooting closer.

"Of course, you match all the requirements, leadership, intelligent, strong, and very hand-" Before I could continue my sentence, the door opened. It was Hajime and all the others.

"There you two are, we had been waiting for everyone outside the entrance." Hajime said from the other side of the restaurant, everyone tried looking and squeezing in.

"Arghh!! I knew it! I knew you two were in here!" Soda blurted out. Hajime finally stepped aside, everyone flooded in.

"I am confused, were we not suppose to meet in the restaurant as usual?" I asked, why were they all outside, why couldn't we hear them?

"No it's fine, I should've checked knowing you come early. As long as you're not harmed." Hajime informed, "We only did this today, it'll be normal tomorrow.

"H-Hajime told u-us to all w-wait until everyone w-was h-here." Mikan sputtered, biting into her thumbnail.

"Pshhh yeah! Til we were all waiting for you! We only realized you guys were inside when we heard your..," Hiyoko started to giggle evilly, "...flirting."

"Barhgggg! Noooo!!!" Soda began to foam from the mouth, Hiyoko laughed evilly even more.

"Buck that! You guys tried coming early to get the fresh dibs on the food huh?! Well you'll have to fight me for that! I dib them the day before we even meet here!" Akane snickered, crossing her arms while Nekomaru stood behind her.

       "Yeahh!!" Nekomaru roared, "You gotta get through the both of us!" He cracked his knuckles, Gundham turned away when he spoke.

       "Alright guys, now that we're all finally fuckin' here, can we just go eat and have this meeting now?" Fuyuhiko complained, Peko was close by his side.

       "Yes, let's all sit down and eat some breakfast. I know we all need it." Hajime ordered and with that everyone grabbed a plate and stuffed it with food. Akane, Nekomaru, Teruteru and Byakuya Twogami sat together at one table. Ibuki, Mahiru, Hiyoko and Soda sat at another table. Fuyuhiko, Peko, Mikan and Hajime sat at the other table, however Nagito kept trying to squeeze in with Hajime. Once everyone sat down, we all started eating. Shortly after the meeting would begin.

(Yuhhhh get into it gamers, what y'all think?)

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