Chapter 38: Lights Out

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"You two finally up?" Fuyuhiko squinted, "Goddamn, to be sleeping in that late isn't like you. Especially you Sonia." He bantered, nudging his elbow jokingly at Peko's side.

Gundham rubbed the back of his neck, staring down at Sonia who turned her head aside, "Fuyuhiko, you do know- ."

"Hey!" Fuyuhiko interrupted, "Save the details, hamster-boy, I don't wanna hear about your first time." His remarks made Sonia's hidden face blush harder, Gundham furrowing his eyes.

"I do not think they took that joke lightly, Fuyuhiko." Peko flares down at the short suit-wearing gangster.

"Pfft, whatever."

A long silence was trapped between them. Fuyuhiko picking at his scalp, Peko's glasses glaring at the sun's ray. Gundham's tense face filled anxiously, Sonia gripping her arm tighter to his.

"Ahem," Peko cleared her throat, her eyes darting back to the shorter man beside her.


"What do you mean what?"

"You always do that 'ahem' thing when you want something."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, yes you do."

"You have no proof to make much of an assumption."

"Yesterday, last night. You kept clearing your throat and staring at the tea cabinet until I made you some."

"Because my throat was dry."


"No buts."

"Yes, buts. Buts are valid." Fuyuhiko puffer, "But- you did it, again, during dinner when you wanted dessert."

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did! Yes, you did."

The bickering couple went on for minutes as their arguments trailed from Peko clearing her throat to last week's laundry. Sonia and Gundham flashing their eyes at each other as the two went back and forth.

Gundham leaned in over to Sonia's ear level, his hand traveling down to grasp hers, "Shall we leave, my Dark Queen?" Gundham whispered. Sonia faced him, answering with a sharp nod. Swiftly the two stepped aside, walking past Peko and Fuyuhiko. Shortly, Fuyuhiko took a sharp turn around.

"Hey! Wait! Where you two going?!" He asked, chasing after them. Peko slowly following behind him.

"To the restaurant. Why?" Gundham snapped his head back, frustration in his eyes from the others' continuous disruptions.

"Oh right!" Fuyuhiko tapped the side of his head, "You two were wanted in the restaurant this morning! And we came here to get you two!"

"You just now remembered?" Peko groaned, placing her balance on one hip as she crossed her arms."

"Is that what you were 'aheming' about then, dear?" Fuyuhiko rhetorically growled, emphasizing his gritted teeth into the last word. Peko puffed and stuck her nose up as she walked. Gundham and Sonia continuing their pace to the restaurant, Fuyuhiko staggering behind.

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