Chapter 23: Fixing it up!

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— Gundham POV —

We stood there together at the entrance, watching all that played out before us. Hajime and Nagito were closest to us. Nagito pushing forward on his hair remote, making Hajime tumble to us.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to join us! A bit late, but everyone came in at different times! So your tardiness is excused... for now!" Nagito laughingly shrieked.

"Yeah, what Nagito said, we're all just going to be waiting here until we make a plan for how to fix the pow-" Hajime tried explaining to us, then suddenly before he could finish, Nagito pushed down on Hajime's hair commanding him to run off into another corner of the restaurant, it reminded myself about the film of an inspired rat who controlled a mediocre chef's head with its hair.

We made our way through the rows of tables filled of other people, and sat down at an empty one in the back corner. Our arms still attached, seeing some heads look back at us, the room going suspiciously silent for a couple of seconds, then looking back at their table and the volume returning back to its noisy self.

"That was strange." I whispered into Sonia ear, a small mist of sweat began to overcome my head, I hope doing that didn't ruin anything or cause rumors. Information like that would spread quicker than a wildfire here.

"Ignore them, no one has said anything directly." Sonia mumbled to be, I began to look more around the restaurant, noticing how much of a contrast there was of the shaded areas to the lit ones.

"Ugh! Will the power come back on already! I want these fans on! It's becoming to hot in hereeee!" Hiyoko whined as Mahiru waved a folding fan at her.

"C-calm down, H-Hiyoko, as long as we stay in shade, I don't th-think it would be p-possible to g-get too h-hot to reach a h-heat stroke." Mikan butted in trying to comfort the overheated group of people who desperately wanted the cool air back.

"Oh shut it pig barf!" Hiyoko spat, "I'm too damn over heated to even insult you right now!" Mahiru took a rag wiping the little insulting toddler forehead, treating and fanning her like a goddess. Soon after Hajime finally took back control of himself by knocking Nagito from his back, running to the center of all the tables.

"Look! Everyone, in just a few minutes, I promise they we'll go over to the generators and take a look at them. During this time, I want everyone who had to monitor someone to meet me outside, along with the person they picked." Hajime ordered, and one by one some of us stood up while many others continued their conversations amongst their peers. Having no idea why we had to talk to Hajime in a private meeting. We all walked over to the exit of the restaurant, Hajime waiting for each of us to all exit before finally closing the door. Sonia and I still standing close to each other as Hajime stood, arms crossed, standing on the steps while we stood, looking up to him, from the ground.

"Alright! We're all outside, sweating like dumb PIGS, in the heat. What do you want from us?" Hiyoko insulted, her tiny fists balled up, as TeruTeru stood by her, still in tears mumbling about different types of dishes he could've created for breakfast.

"Okay, now that all of you are here, with your," Hajime paused for a moment, "Blackened," Pausing again, some of us with our jaws dropped, "Who did it?" He asked, frustration burrowed into his face.

"Who did what?" Fuyuhiko asked, clearly mad from Hajime not so sly comment, my nose scrunched, angry at the fact that Hajime would say that, out of all people.

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