Chapter 4: Echoing Voices

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Sonia's POV —

       That sound, it must be from that machine! I stared at it in horror, when it's just one continuous beep, that means, there's no heart beat at all! Trembling, my vision started to get clouded with more tears. I could not comprehend anything around me, only that long beep.

       "Miss Sonia! Snap outta it!" Kazuichi yelled, shaking my shoulders, "He's not dead!"

       "Wh-what?" I shook my head, trying to refocus, and when I did, my eyes fell downward, seeing Mikan tripped over the machine's wires. I should've known, she was infamous for being clumsy like this.

       "S-s-sorry, I am so sorry y-you all have to see me like this! How terrible of m-me! Wahhhhh!" Mikan cried, her legs and ankles were tangled in the wires, which had disconnected what tracks Gundham's pulse. I gave a sign of relief, me and Kazuichi helped her up. Once we had connected it back to Gundham, the pulse was back instantly.

       "That was a great deal of terror just now."  I signed, putting my hand to my face. That was all too much for me, for him to be stuck in that coma, then the fear that he was dead. I couldn't bear even the thought of that.

       "Hey, look on the bright side, he's still alive! So who knows, he could wake up!" Kazuichi claimed, I must admit, that is true. But I wish he could just wake up now, see his eyes open right by my side.

       "A-ahem, well s-seeing how it is possible for him to wake up, I-I think it is appropriate for u-us to check on the o-others." Mikan suggested, her eyes and fists were shut tight, probably due to the embarrassment of falling down being her first few actions after waking up.

       "Yeah, Mikan's right, for now, me and her are gonna go focus on the ones who are awake. They might need us the most because of how weak they've grown." Kazuichi mumbled, his hand scratching his chin as if he was in deep thought. "But wait!" His eyes widened, running out the room. What could he be doing? After a few silent moments of staring back at Gundham to Mikan and back, Kazuichi returned with stuff in his hand.

       "What did you bring?" I questioned, looking at him.

       "I got these just in case he wakes up today, they're like the stuff I gave Mikan when she first woke up, same as the stuff you gave Nagito." Kazuichi said, handing all the stuff he was holding. For some reason, this really isn't like him. Normally he's all just into getting a lady's pants, maybe since this is actual serious matters at hand, he knows to keep that tucked away now.

"Thank you, really Kazuichi." I thanked him, and after saying that, I think I'll take back just what I thought. His face grew a smug smile, the type of smile he'd have by saying perverted things. Either way, I knew the two would be leaving soon by checking on the others.

"Welp! Mikan, time to look at all the others!" Kazuichi added, Mikan sat back on that roll chair and off they went. That left me back from where I started. Back again in this room alone with him, but, this time, I am more hopeful for his return. Mikan did say it was likely for him to wake up like the rest, right? Either way, I sat in this room for as long as I could, waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

       Before I knew it, I could see the sky dimming from the window. I must've been in here all day, I wish not to leave his side, he could wake up at any moment. But I do want to know how the others are doing. Battling which decision I would make, I decided to check. Stepping to the door, I look at him for one last time before fully leaving the room. He was in the same position as always, on his back, eyes closed. I just hope that he'll be okay.

       Walking down this hall now feels less lonely than in the past. Instead of silence broken by the occasional beepings of monitors, it was filled with familiar voices. I could hear the booming cheers from Nekomarus room, probably him and Akane celebrating. I feel like I could even listen in on the constant bickering of Hiyoko with Mikan. However, I could see a figure standing in the hall, it looked to be someone in a hospital gown. Walking towards that figure, I could see that it was Nagito, the first to wake up.

       "What are you doing in the halls?" I asked.

       "Let's just say being stuck in that room can get a little depressing. I need a moment to go and stretch my legs after being there for so long" Nagito answered.

       "That is true, but do not push yourself Nagito! We do not want anyone else to back into that endless slumber!" I warned to him.

       "I suppose you're right, but is true? That he is still stuck?" Nagito asked, his long, lanky figure stepping closer to me.

       "Y-yes, it is the sad truth. But Mikan says he should be back very soon!" I admitted, even when trying to escape those thoughts, they always come back in some way. "Anyways! Who told you that, how do you know of that?" I demanded, why is that his business? Why does he ask of such?

       "Well, cause, everybody's talking about it." Nagito exclaimed, crossing his arms. His gestures got defensive after asking. "Mikan and Kazuichi were talking all about it when checking our rooms. And then we started talking about it when visiting each other." He looked away to the side when telling me all this.

       "Oh, well, do not spread rumors any longer! It is rude to do that!" I complained. It is disrespectful to talk about your friends like that, especially in a situation like this.

       "Okay, okay, I understand," Nagito sneered, "Anyways, it's getting late. I'm going back to my room, goodbye." And just like that, he turned his back, walking slowly over to his door. Perhaps I was the one being rude, I have no idea why. This is just all getting to me, with no explainable reason. With my head down, filled with defeat, I stepped back, heading to the room again. Seeing how I can't cope with being out of the room, it is better to wait. Turning the doorknob slowly, and entering, I expected the room to look same as usual, however... It was different.

       When I had left, he was on his back, facing the ceiling, just as everyone else, but somehow he was laying on his side facing the wall! Rushing to him, his eyes were still closed, but after two gentle taps on his shoulder, they were as wide as can be. I saw it, from my view, I saw his one red eye staring deep in me. He turned onto his back, opening his mouth, trying to speak how he would in his thunderous voice, but it was the same as the others. He kept trying, however the most he could make of his voice were small groans.

       Turning away for only a second, I grabbed those rations Kazuichi left, I handed them to him. I could barely contain my joy, my face beamed with excitement, my cheeks starting to sting seconds after smiling hard. But despite that, I kept smiling for as long as I kept seeing him awake. He moved his scarf lower so he could eat and drink, moments after finishing, he tried to speak again.

       After a second of clearing his throat, he said his first few words after a long, long time. "Kehehe, it appears that not even the terrible Monokuma can kill me. For I, am Gundham Tanaka!" He yelled with all his might, although his voice still impacted by inactivity, his words stampeded through the room, possibly even the hall. His head high, eyes closed with pride, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy, he was finally back.

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