Chapter 17: Mr. Loverman

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- Soda POV -

The sun was beginning to lower, inching more and more to the horizon, yet still many minutes away from sundown. Me and Hiyoko still sat outside the restaurant, the tears that flooded down my eyes were beginning to dry. Despite all that think bad of her, being around someone to talk to does help, even if it is the most insulting person in this island.

"I just, I don't understand. Why did he keep glaring at me in there. And to do that! Just a sick move on his part." I grit my teeth, my mind couldn't stop reliving that moment. Flashbacks of his hand dragging his way on her kept invading my sight.

"Hey!" Hiyoko blurted, "I got the perfect idea! Tonight, why don't you go old-fashion and show up to her cottage door and confess!"

"Confess?" I scratched my beanie, "Why do I gotta confess?!"

"Cause clearly you like her," Hiyoko puffed, crossing her arms, "So you better either say it first before hamster-emo boy does."

"And what if she says no?" I rolled my eyes, clearly this midget doesn't know much about love.

"Then, uhmm," She bonked the top of her head for ideas, "You can still know you did it before getting cucked." She does have a good point.

"I guess you are right, I should tell her before I lose my chance to." I realized even if I asked, I don't have much of a chance. But, as long as there is one, I might as well try.

"Do not worry, Soda, stick with me and listen, then I'll get rid of all your obstacles." Hiyoko's eyes went dark, dark-blueish swirls circling above me, drawling me into her eerie hypnosis. After she said those words, I felt heavy weights being pressed against my chest, as if something crawled deep inside me, becoming my very being. Suddenly a bell tinkled as the door opened, this was more than a mere coincidence, it was them. Sonia yawned deeply, the two of them looking fully satisfied with their meal, Gundham's arm loosely wrapped to above her waist, somewhat similar as to before. Tightly gripping onto the pants of my jumpsuit, trying to hold back in the fury that raged inside of me, the urge to punch him right in his face and save her. It was a must to hold back these temptations, to save of what small chance I have this night. Slowly, the two of them grew further and further into the distance, until taking a turn out of viewpoint.

"I can see it now." Her eyes were looking straight, almost perfectly still. "Sonia is in urgent danger." She warned.

"How?!" I turnt to her, foam drooling out my mouth in anger and worry.

"She is whenever he is nearby. They're all deranged lunatics who's mere presence dangers our well-being." Hiyoko spat, puffing her nose looking disgusted.

"Who is they? And why is he part of it?" I raised an eyebrow, she had been mentioning something as 'they' and 'them' the whole time we spoke.

"The murderers you idiot!" She finally snapped, staring dead at me. "They're gonna kill us! Again! They did it once before stuck on this island, they'll do it again!"

"How are you so sure of that?" It was a pretty
bold assumption to make of her.

"Think about it, we're stuck on this island, there's limited resources, we can't leave, and even if we somehow do then everyone in the world hates us for what we did before! We're all gonna go mad being stuck here, and they're the first to do it since they already have!" Once listening to her reasoning, it made sense. There were a lot of irritable people here, especially the ones who turned their backs on us in cold blood. It was only a matter of time.

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