Chapter 46: Lollipop

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Fuyuhiko shut Sonia's cottage door behind him. Relaxing his tensed fists as he bumped his head to the door and slid down it. Barely being able to hear inside her room, sighing as his ears picked up on clashing noises and sobs within. His mouth swiveled into a pout, resting his arms on his knees while he sat on the other side of the door. Banging his fist into his forehead in frustration. Time was more and more troublesome to pass by every new day. With half of the population split into another and the loss of his closest peers, every minute was spent in boredom. And within that boredom, the mind was able to think of anything. Intrusive thoughts would enter into his head when alone, whether it was of their despair-filled pasts, the killing games, or the uncertainty of the future. It would invade into his thoughts and mind, clouding it away from logic and reason. Fuyuhiko knew he wasn't the only one experiencing this. He saw it within the others, some succumbing to it quicker than some. Teruteru had shown signs after the first day, he cooks meals for everyone out of habit, expecting the entire island to be there at normal times. Only for Hiyoko to crush his spirits by nagging at him for wasting half of the food. Mahiru insisted for her to calm down and was the one to suggest packaging them to the others. Akane and Nekomaru are rarely seen on the main island, Fuyuhiko catching glimpses of them in the late hours of the night.

He slammed his fists onto the ground, "Those two bastards, working for her." He grit his teeth together,  silently hissing to himself, "If the two had a brain to put together, they'd know how used they're being."

Then last was Sonia, her status was as easy to read as a book, yet so complicated and intertwined. On the outside, to others, she appeared levelheaded, calm, poised. Just as any princess should be. In the beginning, she would regularly attend the morning meetings inside the restaurant. She would be silent and reserved as the others expressed every part of their emotions and opinions. To others, she became a role model due to her reserved attitude. Hiyoko often praised her for being so calm while TeruTeru would throw tantrums as Nekomaru had to deal with him. Yet, Fuyuhiko knew it was wrong, he thought back to a day, which the two hung out in each other's cabin.

- (Flashback :P)

"Think about it!" Sonia grunted, slamming her palm to her chest and swinging the other hand into the air. Her eyebrows furrowed in rage, "This bitch Hiyoko- and here come you all saying, 'But Sonia, you can't call Hiyoko a bitch! That's not right!'" She mocked the others on the island who bent to Hiyoko's finger, grabbing a pillow from her bed and throwing it to the wall, "Fuck Hiyoko!"

Fuyuhiko, who sat at the opposite end of the room, flinched away from the pillow that flew only a few millimeters from his head. Watching as it slid down the wall and tumbled on top of itself, he faced Sonia. Her face was pointing red and her arms crossed, "Look, I get why you're pissed at Hiyoko, everyone is. But, maybe you shouldn't be yelling it in your cabin. You have a certain level of privacy, but these walls aren't soundproof y'know! If she heard you, she'd put you on a deserted island."

Sonia sighed, her eyelids drooping, "I know. However, it is difficult to remain silent." She expressed, idly placing another pillow within her grasp, toying with its case, "In Novoselic, I had endured much more than this current situation, however, back in the simulation, things changed. I was taught that it was okay to be weak, to be scared."

"And who taught you that?" Fuyuhiko asked carelessly, smirking as he watched the hamsters run around in the cage beside her bed.

"Hajime did, it was after the fourth trial," Sonia answered, her voice monotone. Fuyuhiko's grin dropped immediately.

The two spoke more and more to each other. And as each day passed, the more Sonia had to fuss about. Her hands and face grew paler and slight grey baggage grew under her eyes. But with each memory, Fuyuhiko remembered, the more it grew fuzzier, his mind-altering and forgetting pieces of his and her own words. Making him phase out from his daze.

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