Chapter 32: Starships

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— Sonia POV —

Lightly tapping the wooden table top as I sat there there. The aroma of warming foods and spices filled the air which came from the kitchen. Waiting for Gundham and the food we ordered. My eyes darting from place to place, object to object, seeing Twogami stuff piles of rice and chicken in his mouth.

He glared back, wiping the sticky individual grains of rice off his face and onto his sleeve. His body jiggling with fat. Scooting his chair back, getting up to his feet, his gaze unbroken. I clenched my jaw, tapping my fingers even more. He waddled closer. Closer. Closer. Closer. His steps shaking the floorboards. Feeling his eyes still on me. My heart racing, Twogami getting nearer. A drop of sweat dripping onto my forehead. When his steps rocked the floor at its maximum, Gundham rushed himself out of the kitchen, the smell of steam and food sticking to his jacket. Twogami quickly waddling back to the table, redirecting his glare onto the stack of plates. Gundham indirectly being my rescue. He turnt his head back to watch him, then back to me. His eyes perplexed with confusion, half of his face covered with his jacket and scarf. I shrugged back.

"What took so long?" I asked, raising an eyebrow to his latency.

"There was difficultly locating the bathroom." Gundham coughed, shrugging his shoulders high. His face barely visible from being dug deeply into his scarf and jacket.

"Difficultly...?" I repeated, tilting my head slightly to the side.

"Yes!" Gundham coughed, "Yes, very much difficulty. That kitchen is but a maze." He jokingly puffed, a smirk merging from his mouth.

One eyebrow rose, the kitchen was a maze? But there are signs inside the kitchen pointing to the restroom? How could he have missed those?

"Hm, but there are signs inside pointing to it?" I rebutted, his sneer turning to shock.

"Uhm, I must've," He trembled his lips, "They must've been tempered with. Perhaps." He nodded just head, coming with the first excuse in his mind.

"Maybe, it's been a while since I've gone inside of there." I accepted, it's been ages since I've even returned back to here. It wouldn't be unexpected for things to change. Especially now.

"For me, I had never." Gundham explained, looking around the room. His leg twitching up and down.

"How was TeruTeru in there? Did it look like he was finishing up?" I hinted, wondering to when the food was to arrive.

"TeruTeru? He was," Gundham paused to think, a slight hint of disgust on his face. "He was fine. Nothing special to note."

"He's quite the character." I added, resting my head onto my hands, which were leaned over onto the table.

"More than that." Gundham scoffed, "If you feel unwell or different after eating. Tell me." His eyes turned serious, glaring onto the kitchen's opening.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, TeruTeru would never undercook his food? Is that what Gundham meant?

"No reason." He shrugged it off, we continued to talk more and more for the rest of the time waiting for our meals to come. Our stomachs grumbling louder with each second.

And with that TeruTeru enraged from the kitchen, carrying to piping hot plates which steam traveled behind it. Sliding over to our tables, flying the plates off from his hands onto the table, finishing off with a twirl and wink.

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