Chapter 21: Old Wounds

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— Gundham POV —

I stepped back to hearing her reply, thunder booming through the walls, sleep together? Just us? The beds in the cottages were spacious, however to be close to someone, for many many hours, still, unmoving. None the less, if I accepted her request, then she'd be staying for the entire night. Taking a while to reply, she noticed my silence.

"I'll only stay here if you're certain that you'll be fine with that." Sonia ensured, "I don't want to put any pressure on you, Gundham." I knew I wanted her to stay here, I didn't know how to say it. I barely knew how to correctly say what exactly I wanted. Always locked in, stuck inside myself, wanting to be released. Turning my head away, our hands still locked into each other, thinking, thinking constantly of what to do. Opening my mouth, waiting for words to come out with the answer.

"Yes," I said, returning to face her again, an invisible grin on my face, "For I am more sure than ever, to share this stormy night together." Guessing that, because we are now together, it wouldn't be exactly taboo to share a bed, perhaps early, but considering the circumstances, it is necessary. Twitching my nose in nervousness, unknowing for what to happen next, with such a huge night of kissing, fighting, blackouts and this. I felt Sonia turning my hand, opening my palms.

"Oh no!" She whispered, looking at the palm of my bandaged hand, showing the droplets of dried blood that soaked in it. "When did you get this?" Sonia asked, her voice raising concern.

"Oh, yes. I had received it during that altercation with Soda, this bloody nose stained the bandaging. My attempts to maintaining it has failed, I'll have to be in search for new wrappings soon." I informed her, I had never explained to why I had these wrappings that traveled all around my arm. Keeping it clean and sanitary was most important. "Does Hajime keep the medical supplies? Or is there another way to find any?" I'd want to change the wrappings soon, at least by the morning.

"Hmm," Sonia pondered, "Oh! Yes, now I remember. Hajime made it mandatory to always have a first-aid medical kit stored away in every cottage bathroom!" She raised her eye brows, she always had remembered much that happened on this deserted former Future Foundation Island, especially in emergencies.

"A first-aid medical kit?" I questioned, "Would that be enough for my arm? They had also been impacted by the storm's rain as well." The bandages were somewhat torn and worn up, some spots still moist from the hard downpour.

"We will have to see!" Sonia grabbed the candle, signaling me to follow her in such low light. We both stepped into the bathroom together, "It should be in this cabinet here," She pointed to the one above and to the side of the sink's mirror, grabbing the box, to my surprise it was quite large, not the small types found in normal side-corner pharmacy stores.

"It's bigger than I expected." I gasped in awe, it was a  decently large, red wooden box with 'First-Aid' labeled to the front and side of it. Opening it up showed even more inside, many types of bandaids, wrappings, antibiotic ointment, cleansing wipes, gauze pads, it was its own miniature hospital.

"Well, this island was controlled by Future Foundation back then, they had to keep stocked for any type of situation." Sonia handed me the large wrappings, the type that stuck to itself, skin sensitive. Exactly what I needed.

"Thank you, Dark Queen. You have, yet again, saved me this time." I smirked, applying the wrappings before wasn't extremely difficult, however with the low light it could be. Especially if done with only my one hand.

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