Chapter 24: Getting Naked, Playing with Guns

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— Sonia POV —

Frequent carrying and hard labor increased as Gundham left to the warehouse, his absence immediately noticed as there was an increase of even heavier tools, and less stronger people. Finally as we finished, Hajime tapped the wrench in boredom on the ground, waiting for that manual. Nagito still consistently trying to grab the wires. The sun blazed in us, burning our skin with its rays, with no sign of clouds to block its beams. Sweat beads trickling down my forehead. Our silence only being filled by the wind flowing through our hair. Minutes and minutes passing, more sweat dripping down our bodies, the sun rising further, Hajime's wrench taps increasing, until finally breaking.

"Why is he taking so long?!" Hajime complained, dropping the wrench out his sweaty palms. Nagito crawling up behind him, massaging his shoulders gently.

"Heyyy Hajime, relax, maybe he found a snake and is trying tame it! Like a... like a snake charmer!" Nagito babbled, hugging himself tightly, rubbing his arms all over.

"Maybe he's having trouble finding it. That place is dark without any lights on." Nekomaru suggested, scratching the back of his neck, his shadow dominating over us.

"I don't think it would take him this long!" I shared my thoughts, it wouldn't be like Gundham to take so long to find something. He'd command the Devas to search with him, adding 4 more to help with finding the manual. It couldn't be taking this long.

"He should be back soon. Let's just wait before we go and-" Hajime tried ordering to wait, before we heard the sound of metals and wood thrown onto the floor, yells and roars from the distance, with frequent thumping sounding like duffle bags being thrown to the walls. My heart racing, my ears and eyes still and focused onto these sounds. Panicking to where it could be sourcing from. Worrying for Gundham's safety, as the only place these sounds could source from is the ware house. With all those tools, saws, and other dangerous items if put in the wrong hands. The others in the group looking around, searching, thinking where it could be from.

"What the hell was that?" Fuyuhiko asked, one of his eyebrows raised, Peko standing close to him, all of us asking the same question.

"We should check on Gundham! It- It could be from the warehouse!" I worried, being without him, anything could happen. Every bad outcome flooding my mind, taking over me as my overthinking overcame me. The others nodding to my suggestion, Hajime groaning in response.

"Fiiiine, you guys go check on him. I'm going to stay here by the generators. But if Gundham is fine, you all have to stay with me to fix this the whole time." Hajime huffed, his back turnt to his, not caring at all for any of our safety. What a leader he is.

"Hehe... I'll stay with you, Hajime!" Nagito cheered, playing with his hair, picking through his strands, Hajime trying to push him away.

Leaving the two back at the generators, we ran for it to the shed, trying to reach there as soon as possible. My body aching as the sun continued to heat us, warming our body to the maximum, panting heavily as we finally came close to it. Noticing the door was closed upon arrival, Gundham would've needed the door open to see inside, something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Grabbing for the door handle, I pushed out and in forcefully, the door not budgeting at all.

"The door won't open!" I badgered, trying and trying again to force the door open with all my might. Falling back as the handle slipped out of my grip from sweaty hands and pulling so hard. Nekomaru taking my place, pushing into the door, it beginning to bulge in, succumbing to his pushing, until it couldn't take it anymore and slamming back into the shed. Light finally entering into the room, shining onto my worst nightmare.

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