Chapter 20: Candles and Matches

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— Gundham POV —

The storm and rain picked up heavier as the night went on, the wind's howl able to be heard from the insides of the cottage, Sonia's words would repeat in my head, her plead of love calling out to me. As I responded back, the same mutual desire. Her nose scrunched, as her grin flew ear to ear, she barely knew to how contain her excitement. Suddenly, she started to look nervous, her mind pondering on something.

"So, what does this make us?" Sonia asked, she giggled, "I've never been with anyone before, due to my role of becoming princess for my country." She blushed, turning her head. I thought to myself, hiding my shaky hands into my pants pocket, barely having a clue as for what to say, my body and self knew exactly, however my brain couldn't put it into words. I had never been close to someone before, close as in romantically, the two of us being our first experience ever. I threw words together into my mouth as best I could, hoping she understands my wishes to be with her.

"This demonic being can take any form you desire, for as long as it's wish of being with you is," I gulped, a light sweat dripping down the side of my forehead, "granted." Expecting and anticipating my words to fail miserably to her understanding them, it seemed her work, as she had a pleasant smile to her face, her worry dissolving. Gulping down my sense of worry too. The two of us being together, now officially official.

"I could never have expected this to all happen all by enrolling to Hope's Peak Academy." Sonia guessed, her body turnt to me while her head looking at the curtains over the window.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked, raising my nonexistent eyebrow. No one could've predicted anything happening for Hope's Peak Academy, not even the Ultimate Clairvoyant.

"The reason why to enrolling here was for my country," Sonia thought back to her reason of being here, "however I saw this as a way to make friends and learn even more about the culture."

"Make friends? Why would a princess need that? Wouldn't the country want to become more closer to their," I asked, then coughing extremely loud and whispered, "beautiful," My coughing ceases and voice returning back a normal volume "princess?"

"Heh, I knew people, of course, however I wasn't allowed to consider them as friends. Only acquaintances." Sonia blushes and grin, recollecting her thoughts of her life as a princess, "Mostly all nobles, however no one with a matching or a higher role than myself."

"Then you came for the country's interest while also making it your own, a master at deception I see?" I joked, Sonia gasped, looking shocked.

"Noooo, to say it as that wouldn't be true." She pleaded, trying to come with an excuse for herself, "Think of it more as a bonus!" Sonia snickered, joined along with escaped chuckles of my own.

"Beg with your excuses, however none will ever penetrate The Forbidden one!" We continued to share laughs and other amounts of chuckles together, sharing more and more of our time as this storm blazed on.

Our conversations went from standing, to sitting on the desk chair, and now laying opposite sides on the bed together. The clock hung up on the wall ticked and ticked, until, it ceased. In fact all of the electronics in the room shut off. Everything was now pitch black, without any sign of light to guide us outside due to the storms.

"Ahh! The storm must've caused a black out!" Sonia shrieked, feeling her body move from the bed creaking. "I have matches, or candle here somewhere." I could hear only her voice and the mixing of items, shuffling together as well the opening of dresser drawers. Suddenly, I felt a unrecognizable clothing item fly onto my head, it was silky and had the feeling of a lace lining to it, with a heavy scent of Sonia's perfume aroma, despite not knowing what I held, I knew it wasn't mine to be touching. Dropping it on the floor immediately.

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