Chapter 5: Held Up

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Gundham's POV
- Minutes before Sonia came into the room -

For what felt like drifting into space for eternity, I could feel my body drifting back to consciousness. But just before being fully back, I heard familiar voices and footsteps in my area. I couldn't recognize them, they sounded muffled and distorted in a way. When the sound finally dissolved, my eyes opened. My vision blurry, it took a few seconds to focus. The skin surrounding my eyes were covered of crust, the type you'd have after waking up. I tried to get up, I couldn't, I felt too weak. Thinking alone was hard enough. My body aches from every move I tried to make, trying to talk didn't help either. My throat was too dry and the skin inside scratched at every sound I made. Using all my might, I flipped onto my side, was I going to die here? Die again? All that filled my vision were the white walls, I couldn't see all much else. I closed my eyes, wanting to get out of this mysterious reality. After a few minutes, the door to the room swung open. I couldn't conjure the energy to turn my body. Footsteps crept closer to me, my head running wild with thoughts. The footsteps stopped and only after a few moments, I felt two small taps. Turning my body slightly, my eyes darted open, looking at the figure behind me. It was... Sonia, what was she doing here? Seeing the familiar face, I used all I had move onto my back. She looked down at me, paying attention to every move I made. Even with my dry voice, I needed to say something, but all that came out were broken words.

Her eyes were gleaming brightly, even with the dark sky I could see them perfectly, shining from the moon's light reflecting off of them. However, that hopeful sight was turned away, she had moved, walking to the other side of the room. Seconds after, she came back, giving me food and water. I ate it all, every bit that she gave me I took it in. The hunger I felt was far greater than what I had experienced in that fun house. With my energy now regaining, my body was saved by her generous gifts. I even had the ability to speak once again.

       "Kehehe, it appears that not even the terrible Monokuma can kill me. For I, am Gundham Tanaka!" I roared with everything I had. My voice had hints of rough patches from not talking for so long, but I could tell she understood each word that came from me, understanding me both in words and deeper meanings.

       "You are back! You are really really back!" Sonia cheered, she was inching closer to me. What had she mean by back? What happened?

       "Could you explain what you mean by back?" I asked, my scarf buried into the lower part of my face.  That's when she said it to me, her whole expression changed. She went from radiating joy to something entirely different. But it's understandable, from what I heard from her, there was much that happened.

       "And with that, we were able to escape that haunting simulation! We're back in the real world now, but still on the island everything was based on." Sonia chirped, her hands clasped together tightly.

       "Well, I am pleased that we have escaped that torturous killing game. What have the others been doing since then?" I was filled with many questions, which is only appropriate after being inactive or so long.

        "Oh," Sonia pauses for a moment, "Mostly everyone was stuck in a coma. Me, Akane, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, and Kazuichi have been taking care of everyone else. We've been also working on making the island more inhabitable." She informed,  a flash of worry filled in her tensed eyes, but soon she relaxed, "However, you were the last to wake up from this coma, most of the others woke up hours ago. Some even walking to reunite with friends."

       "Hm, I see." I replied, really me the last to wake up? And hours after everyone else did?

       "Try to look on the bright side, as they say," Sonia said trying to cheer me up, "It seems you are recovering just as everyone else did! Just a few hours after everyone else!" She pumped her fists, perhaps this was some type of small motivational speech.

       "Well, seeing how it only takes a mere mortal to regain abilities after a few minutes of rest! Then I, Supreme Overlord of ice can do it within seconds!" I boomed.

       "You haven't changed a bit Gundham, let us proceed!" Sonia clapped her hands together, she's always ready to go with anything along with me. It brings me joy to know someone like that, but that's expected for a low-level demon! Hmf!

       "Let us make haste! There is still time in the night to meet with the others!" I decided, shooting my legs onto the floor. But, when trying to get up, I could only lift for a few second then sat right back down onto the bed again. After trying again a few times, I sweated from the embarrassment.

       "Are you experiencing trouble, Gundham?" Sonia asked me, I buried myself into my scarf, how could I ever tell someone that I'm having trouble getting up, even though it is the coma's fault, I still don't want to admit. Especially to her.

         "Well- I- It's nothing!" I say, using everything I've got to stand up fully. But only after a few seconds, my legs started to tremble a bit. For a split-second, I thought I'd be fallen back into that hospital bed, but something caught and held me up. No. Not something, it was someone. Next thing I know, I see Sonia's arms out, keeping me up-right.

       "Are you okay, Gundham? If you require my assistance I will gladly give it to you!" She insisted, making sure not to lose grip of me.

       Shivers ran down my spine, I don't like to be touched, especially in a situation like this. Being held up would ruin the image as the forbidden one. However, if I wanna get out of this place, I only have one option.

       "If you must, it appears we will have to do this for as long as the coma's effects are still present. For now, I will accept your services." I buried deeper into my scarf, hints of red warming up my face.

       "Where would you like to go, Gundham?" Sonia asked, its very generous of her to let me decide where we go. However, I don't know exactly where to go, it's late, but I don't feel tired enough to go sleep in my cottage. But, I know exactly what I need to go to.

       "We must go to wherever my Four Dark Devas of Destruction are. I had given them to you just before the execution. Are they still with you?" I asked her, everyone knows how important they are, but she understands the most. Everyone sees them as normal pets, but we know they are much more.

       "They're in my cottage, and do not worry. They are all alive and well. Shall we go?" Sonia answered, looking into my eyes. I nodded to her and with her holding me up, we walked to her cottage.

       While walking together, we had some small talk, mainly about the four dark devas of destruction, dark magic, plans for the island, along with serial killers. She has a deep interest for them, even if I'm not as informed as she is, I enjoy her passion for the topic. Listening to her go on and on, with even more to say than the last time.

       "I was hoping for this, Gundham." She breathed, pausing our walk for just a moment to say while looking at me.

       "What exactly for?" I asked.

       "Well," She began, "I always hoped there was a way to get everyone back, ever since the start of it all."

       "It appears you got what you wished for." I confirmed, "I believe everyone was wishing for that, even me."

       "That is true," Sonia giggled, she continued walking, "but, I wished that especially for you." I could feel the grip of her holding me up grew tighter. After she said that. I widened my eyes. A bit of a puzzled look came to my face, I could feel a rush in my head, a turn in my stomach, even my cheeks grew hot again. I couldn't explain why I felt that when she said those words, but it felt revolutionary.

       "W-well, if I were to be in your situation, I would've wished for the very same." I chuckled, trying to escape the warmth that came from my red face, however being buried in this scarf only trapped it in. Only a few moments later, we reached to our destination.

(Sorry for no chapter yesterday, my sister got sun burnt all over her body, so I hanged out with her yesterday, I hope you guys like these chapters!!)

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