Chapter 18: Hard Rain

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— Gundham's POV —

Dark, heavy clouds began to flood the already sun-down shaded sky, as a small mist and few droplets of rain fell down, splattering onto the ground every so often. The two of us didn't mind however, our faces were blushed with endless amounts of dark reds to light pinks, as we told our implied confessions. Sonia's reactions went from excitement, worry, anger, and finally to pure joy. Her eyes moving all about, yet still maintaining her focus on my face, opening her mouth ready to speak, yet so speechless. I, however, didn't say anything, but take in the enjoyment from her happiness from being near me. That good feeling, that she had described, I felt it too, and grew deeply in love with that feeling, a feeling also gained from being near her. We spoke no words to each other for moments, except our actions meant a million things. Until she finally knew that to say.

"You really mean all that?" She asked, stepping closer to me, the rain was picking up, more droplets soaking into our hair.

"I meant it all, Sonia, every word." I promised to her, more blushes invading our face. My hand slowly trailing up her face and caressing her cheek as I wiped off what seemed to be a rain drop that fell on it, or possibly a tear of a joy. Slowly, she placed hers on top, grasping onto my hand, holding it close.

"How did you know?" She asked, gently squeezing her hand, "How did you know I meant you?" As more and more rain drop fell on us, the more we inched closer together, feeling each other's warmth and heat radiating off of our bodies.

"I had guessed," I admitted, I didn't know truly if she meant me, or perhaps someone in the past from her kingdom, however, with my limited choices, taking a gamble was the only reasonable choice. "For you see, there were only few amounts of options to guess from."

"You were the only one, Gundham, my one and only." Sonia interlocked her fingers around mine, her cheeks grew hotter as she spoke. My breathing rate was increasing, my heart pounding and she held onto my hand and spoke her sweet addicting words.

"And that is the same for you too, Sonia," I chuckled, my heart slipping beats as it was just the two of us, and the sound of heavy rain pouring down, surrounding us.

"Gundham, I must tell you something. It is most urgent." She eased in even closer, as did I, barely pressed against each other, getting onto her tip-toes, our lips brushing, feeling the warm air coming in and out from her blowing onto my lower lip. Awaiting for her move, we both stood there, only small fragments of space separating us. My head telling me, urging me to go forward onto her, every primal instinct guiding me, every temptation ever wanted, only mere moments away. However, I wanted her to do it, for her to make that choice, to be with a demon such as myself. Holding back myself, despite how badly my unconscious had replayed this moment into my head. Sweat beamed down my forehead, our grips on each other's hand grew more and more tense as we were close together for what felt like hours, but in reality were only seconds. Her eyes flutter as she dazed into mine, I could sense the same temptations in her eyes, this connection that wanted to meet badly growing in our stomachs, like attaching opposite polars of magnets. Our urges took the better us, simultaneously we both reached in, diving in for each other, ready to feel our lips embrace, until, the loud crackle and booming of thunder and lightning rang in our ears. A heavy thunderstorm began to grow instantly, a blinding fog surrounding us.

"We need to get under shelter!" I yelled, our voices barely hearable due to the flooding of water roaring from the angry clouds and thunder followed through quick flashes of lightning. She wrapped her arm around mine as to not lose each other, we hadn't walked too far from the hotel and cottages, however the winds were against us. Blowing us back at any chance they could get as downpour loosened the dirt to mud. After minutes of stumbling in hope for shelter, the small dim yellow lights of the cottages were beaming in the distance. Slowly and carefully to not slip, we made it to Sonia's cottage because it was closer. Our clothes and hair dripping wet onto the hard-wood floor, shoes dirtied by the slimy mud. Sonia sat down by her desk, heavily exhausted from the great journey. "Are you feeling okay, Sonia?" I asked, all my attention and worry went to her.

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