Chapter 40: Her Letter

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Twogami's large body had finally been dragged out from the music venue. Akane stood there, her face still dumbfounded at what had happened. Picking up the microphone which laid beside her feet. She spoke once again, "This inauguration is over. Everyone can go now. We'll be serving breakfast at the movie theater in 5." Her last words before walking off stage.

Gundham pushed his feet against the floor, darting to the doors out of Titty Typhoon. His hands curling to its silver handles and pushing with all his weight. His momentum building up, he made his way for the motels. Quickening as the bright yellow structure entered his vision. Running to the door, he slammed it open and ventured into his room. Searching all over for anything that resembled a bag. After pacing to the other side of the bed, he found it. Kept close, snugged into one of the corners.

"Aha! Here it is!" He pulled the bag closer, zipping open the luggage. Inside being rows of neatly folded shirts, pants, and other clothing items. Nothing out of the ordinary, the type of items one would bring to a long vacation. Furious, Gundham turned over the entire travel bag. Spilling open its contents onto the ground. The neatly folded clothes Sonia had prepared for him, now into one giant clothes pile. "No. No. No." Gundham begged, "Please Sonia. You would've put something." His hands delve deep into the pile, only to pull out more shirts and socks. Minutes and minutes of searching passed, Gundham's hands were deep into the pile of fabric and denim.

He twisted his head to stare down onto the upside-down travel bag once again. His eyes peering down onto the front and side pockets of it. Instantly, he detangled his arms from the shirts and pants which looped around him, and clawed o o the bag once more. Tearing open the miniature pockets. A grin emerging onto his face, "I knew it. I knew you would." He quietly chuckled to himself, pulling out a wax-sealed letter with 'To my Gundham' written in cursive on the front, along with a walkie-talkie.

"Didn't know you were one to keep doors wide open." Peko scoffed, staring down at Gundham. Her body leaning against the wooden doorframe.

Gundham darted his head up from above the bed, silently sliding the letting into an inner coat pocket, "Clearly, I had forgotten to close it. From you." He bantered back, shoving the walkie-talkie back into the bag before standing up.

"Don't be so rude. I'm the one who told you of the travel bag in the first place." She puffed, stepping into the room, her glasses glared from the ceiling fan's light, "Anything good she gave you?"

"Why so curious, Peko?" Gundham stepped around the bed, glancing down at Peko's feet up to her eyes, "Your beloved, Fuyuhiko, didn't pack yours?"

"Seeing how I wasn't knocked out. No. He didn't." She raised an eyebrow, jutting her neck out, "But seriously, anything?"

"No." Gundham lied, slowly gazing at the bag behind him.

"Great." She puffed. Her back facing him, ready to leave the motel room. "Anyways. They should be serving breakfast at the movie theater by now. Wanna come?"

"I'd rather not." Gundham denied, extending and shaking hands out in refusal. But, a low grumble and growl from his stomach said otherwise.

"Appears that your stomach disagrees." Peko teased with a crooked smirk.

"Fine. So be it to soothe this mortal hunger." Gundham folded, pouting as they both walked out of his motel room to their way over the movie theater.

The sky was cloudier than yesterday, the sun could barely be seen in the mass layers of clouds which masked over it. With the occasional sunshine reaching the ground for mere seconds when the light grey clouds departed. This was that time. The light shined around the movie theaters, as if it were a beacon for others to venture inside. As the two came closer, they could see Mikan and Ibuki sitting outside, trays in hand.

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