Further Tales (NSFW): The Wedding Night / Farewell II

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— The Wedding Night (NSFW) —

"We shouldn't stay out too late, don't wish to be all bit up in the morning." Sonia furrowed her brow, inching at the small bug bite on her arm.

"Ah, they come out earlier on tropical islands than compared to others, don't they?" Gundham added, raising his hand to feel the warm tropical spring air.

"Quite aggravating, isn't it?" She asked, "Back in Novoselic, they come much later, the winter temperatures last longer." Sonia recalled, digging the side of her head closer into Gundham's shoulder.

"The perks of the cold, of course, however, such insect cannot puncture my blood of ice!" Gundham smirked, balling his hand into a tight fist.

"What about me? My blood is still warm!" Sonia worriedly asked.

"Perhaps, oh yes! I shall project a circle of protection around us to reflect any harm from us!" Gundham answered, lightly curling his arm over Sonia's waist.

"How magnificent! Your dark arts amaze me each time, always protecting us and your Devas." Sonia clasped her hands together as the stars above shined in her eyes.

"Keheh, it is truly the least I could do," Gundham modestly explained, "You keep toying with your ring, is all fine? There was a limited selection, you are satisfied, I hope?"

"It is, Gundham, I am. It's just, every time I see it, I can't believe it." Sonia gazed down at her hand, brushing her finger against the gold-silver bands.

"It is a wonder of how much can happen in so little time, even with the delay." Gundham stared down at his own ring as well, placing his hand over hers.

"Yeah, when Hajime told us to push it off, I was a little disappointed, but I understood why," Sonia frowned, then looked to Gundham with a smile, "But, we made it, it finally happened. I can't be any happier!"

"Sonia, my Dark Queen, there is no limit to happiness." Their fingers intertwined together as they sat leaning against each other by the field.

"And what do you know of happiness?" Sonia joked, teasingly tugging at his fingers.

"Well-! I had placed it into our vows, had I not?"

"You got me there, Gundham, you got me there," Sonia clicked her tongue, "How about we head inside now? I do not wish to drain any more of your energy keeping this protection circle up. I know you spent most of it earlier around the others, you did so well."

"Only if you desire, my Dark Queen, let us retire to our chambers."

Gundham and Sonia returned back into their cottage together. Flicking on the lights, the two smirked at the mass amount of gifts and cards of celebration they've received for the wedding from the rest of the island sitting on Sonia's desk. Over the last months, they repainted, redesigned, and rearranged their room many times. Every other month it fit a new theme, from regal to gothic, layers of old black and white were behind the current layers. This theme consisted of dark purples, navy red, and the blackest paint they could find. The white wall trimmed bounced and contrasted from the black. Both worked on every room and gave ideas equally as it was theirs to share.

Four balls of fur sprung from Gundham's scarf and onto the roof of their cage, he raised a brow, "Eager to return back as well? Very well," he leaned over the cage, placing them inside. The four all ran into their tiny, hamster-shaped huts Gundham made for them. Sitting onto the bedside, he eyed Sonia. Watching as she disappeared into the bathroom, a pile of clothes clutched tightly to her chest. Laying back onto the mattress, his ears perked to the running of the shower, taking a deep breath, he got to relax from the tension of today. His mind drifted off, imagining the days before Hopes Peak. The days he'd travel the world to meet with animals of every background. His history of nursing an endangered species back to stable numbers, updating his blog mixed with training his Devas and other various creatures. Unconsciously chuckling to himself as he thought back to when a lion almost crunched his head off or wincing at the first scars gained on his bandaged arm. His mindless daydreaming came to a halt as the bathroom door creaked open, a pool of steam dispersing into the bedroom.

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