Chapter 39: The Third Island

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Gundham's consciousness faded in and out. Only with his auditory senses barely working as his vision remained either too blurred to be recognizable or a fading black. His ears ached as he could a high pitch weeping, a lower-pitched voice yelling furiously, and the deep booming voice which rumbled Gundham's eardrums. The sound waves crashing into his ears at once, until it grew into a silence.

Into a silence with noise. The quiet low hum of an air conditioning unit. The occasional squeaks of an old ceiling fan. For what was humming and squeaks that went by for hours. His vision began to refocus. His eyelids merely lifting up to see a yellow-stained light blinding his vision. Slowly his kids drooped down once again. His body building the power to fully regain his consciousness. He laid there for seconds until trying once more. His eyelashes fluttered as he began to open his eyes, the hard yellow light blocked by a familiar silhouette.

"Sonia?" Gundham asked, the outlines of the mysterious silhouette were blurred.


Gundham's eyes widened, his senses returning by the second. Staring into the crimson-red eyes of the almost monochrome woman. Recognizing the figure who stood above him.

"Peko." She answered. Peko slid out of Gundham's vision, returning to the chair she sat in, nearby the bedside of where he rested.

"I see." Gundham sighed, his hands trailing down the rough bedsheets which he laid on. His head slowly turning to observe the room. Staring up at the crusty aged yellow wallpaper, the fake house plants, and molded vents on the ceiling. "We must be in the motel then."

"Yes. Yes, we are."

"That means," Gundham lifted his open palm hand into the air, slowly clenching it into a fist, "I lost."

"Why must it be a loss?" Peko questioned, Gundham turning his head to face her's, "This will probably be temporary." He remained silent to her question, his gaze turning behind her. Focusing on the door, then the window. Staring into the dark blue sky. His mouth opened in disbelief, lifting his legs up to reach the carpeted floor. Stepping swiftly to reach the doorknob. Looking out from the window, he could almost see his reflection in the glass. But outside, he could see the sky was late into the night with street lamps illuminating the ground.

"How long," He paused, letting the doorknob go from his shaking hands. Trembling as they reached up to his face, "How long had I been out for?"

"Hours. Not an entire day though." Peko crossed her arms, "I'm surprised with how long you were out. We were all sure you'd come back after an hour or so. But, you were out," She snapped her fingers, "Just like that."

Gundham crept over to the bedside, the mattress' springs creaked as he sat down on it. Lowering his head, his fingers ran through his hair, scratching his scalp. "What do you mean by 'we'?"

"I don't see why knowing that matters."

His head shot up, his leg bending, his body rising from the bed to stare her in the eye. Gundham stared into her crimson eyes, his reflection seen in her pitch-black pupils. His hair loose, strands diverting from his usual swirl, the blackened bags under his eyes enlarged, his jacket almost falling from his arms. "Don't decide what is and isn't important for me! You, pathetic mortal, do not have that ability. Not to the Supreme Overlord of-!"

"Stop talking." Peko jerked to head to him in hostility. Gundham quickly grew silent as he watched Peko stand up from the wooden chair. "What I meant by 'we' is that the others forced upon this island watched alongside me." Peko confessed, "But, as hours went by, most of them left. And it was only until now that you just woke up." She turned around and began to walk over the door, grasping onto its knob. "But I can see. You're doing just fine." Her last words echoed through the room followed by the slamming on the door.

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