Chapter 16: New Ideas

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- Sonia's POV -

The sound of silverware clinking and other incomprehensible voices filled the air. We had ordered a dish together from TeruTeru at the front counter a while ago when we first arrived. Despite how cold and nip the air was outside, we warmed up immediately after entering. Even for sitting at a table directly near the exit where the chilly wind invaded inside whenever opened. I'd still wore Gundham's coat though for the extra warmth. There was a lot of people here with the same idea, around 9 or so including us. So much for Gundham's plan of it being empty.

"I wasn't able to predict this area being so... busy." Gundham glanced back behind himself many times, as if he were staring at something.

"What are you looking at back there?" I asked trying to turn my head.

"Oh- Nothing, just another table of the others back there. It would appear all seats are taken from it." He kept looking back, his eyes becoming more furrowed each turn. Finally, I turnt to see the table and others behind us. Gundham was correct, the table was full, two even sitting at the bar area.

"Hm," I turnt back, sitting forward again, "That's okay though, we can continue to sit here. Just the two of us!" Gundham finally gazed down at me after saying that, with a great closed smile on him which his scarf almost covered. He appeared differently without his coat on, he had just his white t-shirt with the purple cross design. His frame was more detailed, more defined without it, so much of his body was filled and covered up by the coat, but to see it off was more than eye-candy to me.

"It pleases me to hear that, Dark Queen." Gundham grinned and gently sliding his arm around me, caressing my shoulder in small, soothing circles, his bright smile shining onto me. This ran chills up my back, feeling Gundham's touch always lit a spark in me, a wild spark that desires for more each time, which only be tamed by him. Slowly I fell into his touch, absorbing the warmth and safety from being in his arm. Only seconds later, the two of us flinched from the uproar of stomping and a quick door slam in a flash of pink hair and bright yellow-green jumpsuit. The whole building went silent.

"Was that Soda just now?" I mumbled and looked up asking Gundham, who still laid his arm around me.

"Based off of what everyone saw, I'd guess it were that mechanic mortal." Gundham's grip held tighter as we spoke. Then, slowly the chef TeruTeru waddled to our table, holding a big deep plate of rice with other grains and various types of beans and peppers mixed in.

"Now I know y'all just heard that big slam, huh?" TeruTeru spoke as he placed the dish between us. "I didn't see nuffin though, was cooking in the back."

"Oh yes! We saw, Gundham says it was Soda that ran out like that! No idea to why though." We all blankly stared at each other, shrugging our shoulders.

"Ah, now I see, yeah, that boy was just about acting different the minute he stepped inside of here. Tried taking that table's order and he was just stuck staring down at himself." TeruTeru whispered making sure the others didn't hear. "Welp, you two have a good meal!" He gave us a wink and twirled back to the kitchen. After TeruTeru left, we dug into our rice, pepper and bean mix.

- Hiyoko POV -

Sitting on top the bar chair with my little feet's dangling. Mahiru insisted on getting lunch here during the day, but that whole 'papers' drama got into the mix of it. And with just my luck, I got Mr. FatassPervertChef over here. Whatever, somehow I'll survive and convince Mahiru to watch over him whenever I don't. I scratched my neck, there was an insatiable itch inside of it, which no matter how much I jabbed or tried it would still irritate the hell outta me. Anyways, I've just had about done here with this place once that other group showed up. Too many people here, too many murderers. Ever since I've awaken, I want them to pay for the pain they caused, making us simulate life and death in that torturous mediocre excuse for a 'game.' How many 'digital' sleepless nights we all spent, paranoid with each other.

"Hey Mahiru!" I called her over, "Can we leave? I'm not reallly hungry anymore." I asked her, giving her my doggy-beg eyes.

"Hmmm, okay!" Mahiru accepted while packing up her camera bag as we left.

"Hey fatso! You won't kill somebody again, right? Hm, I bet you can handle yourself," I quietly spat to TeruTeru while he made googly eyes at me.

"A-anything you say, ma'am!" TeruTeru gave his undying perv approval to me, what a sicko.

Mahiru and me paced our way, slamming open the exit as she quietly closed it and apologized for 'my' actions. Just outside the exit was that slimy pink-headed mechanic, who is also a pervert, but at least not a murderer. Besides that, he was sobbing, crying, and tearing up all over himself. His face was wet and tears smeared all over to his forehead and dripping down his chin. What the hell this guy crying about?

"Yo, grease head! Why are you crying?" I asked, he tried covering his face even more, increasing his loud sobbing.

"Uhm, are you okay?" Mahiru also asked to no avail, the red-headed photographer turnt and shrugged. "Maybe we should just leave him."

"Maybe, maybe," I scratched my neck and thought for a moment, "No, no, Mahiru, you can return to your cottage if you'd like! I'm gonna try and help!" I convinced her of my good intentions.

"Awww! How good of you! See I knew after a while you'd learn to be nice to people!" Mahiru cheered, however this was all a façade, I had other ideas in mind. She took her steps down from the stairs and headed back to the cottages, then immediately I sat down next to the greasy pink-haired man when Mahiru was out of sight.

"What the hell are you crying for, oil-turd?!" I slapped his arm while I spoke. His broken up sobs would cease for a few seconds, then come back again. This was frustrating. "Look! Just say it! Move your greasy-oil hands!" I tried shoving his arms away from his face, they dropped down to reveal himself. He was breathing in and out uncontrollably, snot and drool dripping out from all holes in his face. "Ew, you looking disgusting."

"Shut up! Awwghhhhh," Soda groaned out, more snot and tears flooding from him, "Just leave me! Leave me alone!" He curled up, sheltering himself. "You-you wouldn't understand, how it feels. Doing all you can. Just to be mocked." He went silent, periodically giving a sniffle.

"Mocked by who?" I tilted my head. He looked up at me, furious.

"Mocked by that damn emo boy that's who!" Soda foamed from the mouth just talking about him.

"Ooooh!" My eyes widened, then dropped, "Oh yeah. Him." I grumbled, of course, a murderer, they only cause destruction.

"Tell me about it. This dumbass edge lord was mocking me in there. Putting his arm around her, looking at me with that shit-eating grin, making her wear his jacket by force, I bet he would do something to her if she said no." Soda cursed and swore on Gundham's name, his head fuming as he spoke more and more. Feeling the blind hate in his words, I tried hiding my grin behind my loose kimono sleeve, I finally found the opportunity I've waited so long for...

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