Update 1

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I'm still alive I swear >.< Just hard, I forget this exists sometimes and I wanna continue but I just gotta picture it together more. If you guys got any ideas to share that'd be nice. Anything to keep the ball brain rolling!;$:$($'gkfkgnfnfnd

here's a peak of chap 9:

Turning and tossing in my sleep, I was dreaming yet mind my brain filled with activity. This activity bring my very own dream. Normally, my dreams are simple, after practicing with my dark magic I have gained the ability to lucid dream. I'd dream about taking wild beasts, furthering my skills even while unconscious. However, this night was different, instead of the tamed, normal dream, this one was truly a nightmare.

       Everything was blurred in this nightmare, not just in vision, blood smeared the walls and floors. My ears rang with thunderous roars and screeches surrounding me. After I could fully focus, I began to realize what disaster was falling right before my eyes. Lions, wolves, raging elephants, and other powerful beings commanded to kill. People being trampled, stomped, and clawed while trying to run for their lives. I tried to stop them, calm them, tame them, anything to save them and these poor people. But I couldn't move, I was stuck, but then I realized, I'm the one controlling them.

My eyes flew open, patting myself making sure I was out of that fearful nightmare. Turning my head, I glanced over at the window, it was still a bit dark out, but the sun is going to rise soon. The clock confirmed my guess because it was about to be 6 AM. Everyone will be waking up in an hour, I might as well get ready for when we all meet in the restaurant.

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