Chapter 13: Jackets and Gambles

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— Gundham POV —

'Gundham' written on the card, I admit, even though the odds weren't exactly low. It's still a relief to know the identity of this unknown monitor.

"Maybe it was Nagito's luck that's the cause of this," Sonia stared down at the paper, with a small, yet strong smile.

"What is it you say that for?" I asked, how could his luck be part of it? Surely it would've only impacted himself.

"I don't know how to explain, but, I can feel it." Sonia scratched the top of her head, with a perplexed face, "Right after looking for you, I came across Fuyuhiko and Peko, they said Hajime had drawn Nagito's name, when I say Mikan and Soda, he got her. The last part wasn't exactly luck, perhaps it's just a domino effect." Her face seemed even more furrowed in confusion. Domino Effect, possibilities, and all would confuse any mortal.

"Best not to focus on the why, but rather the outcome," I crossed my arms, "The Forbidden One is more than pleased with the results, no matter of what the others got."

"You- You really mean that?" Sonia asked, her smile powering over her face.

"Of course, how else would I be the Dark Queen's personal knight," I played along with her, placing my bandaged wrapped hand over my heart. We ended with a sudden burst of laughter, now even more glad with the results. This is somewhere I can be me, this is someone I can be me with.

— Soda's POV —

"ARGHHHHH!" I screech, "Mikan! Whyyyyyyy" I whimpered to her, she had a frightened glare.

"W-w-what do you m-mean!" Mikan squirmed, putting her hands to her face to guard her. "S-She asked! I-I just said what I knewwwww." Her squeaky words slurred as she pout. I felt as if I was foaming from the mouth.

"Ugh! Now, they're probably togetherrrr," I took a long pause and puffed, "And-! SMOOCHING!"

"W-why does that e-even matter!" Mikan was frustrated, her eyes following with tears.

"Because..." I plopped down on the hotel floor, "Because, because... because because because because because-!" Then suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek, that ceased all my thinking.

"Cut that shit out!" snapped a light but dominate voice. My eyes focused on the small blond baby man wearing a suit, Fuyuhiko, accompanied by Peko. "Man, what the hell were you doing just there?" He asked.

"Hmmf. Nothing." I grumbled, getting back up and brushing myself. "Why are you two here?"

"Mikan came up whining to us. Saying she tried bringing you back to whatever... that... was, so that's how we're here." Fuyuhiko stuffed his hands into his pant pockets and gazed at the sky. "By the way, you weren't out long or nothing, doesn't take long for her to freak out." He shrugged.

"I guess, say, who did you guys get on your paper? I'm pretty sure you can guess who I got." I kept looking back at forth from Fuyuhiko and Mikan.

"Oh! Lucky me got Peko, looks like life will run smoothly for me." Fuyuhiko passed me his paper to prove.

"Not so lucky for Hajime however, Nagito was chosen for him." Peko snickered in response, Baby Gangster join in.

"Pfft, maybe we should check up on him too, make sure Hajime doesn't go mad from prolonged hours to 'radiation'" I joked, everyone nodded, wasn't expecting them to take my joke. Now all 4 of us walking, searching for this lucky mad man and the leader of this island group.

As we searched for them, the day started to pass and picked up wind that chilled the air, but it won't bother me in my thick jumpsuit, but Mikan began to weep from the chills. It didn't take long seeing as Hajime doesn't leave to the other islands often, or too far from most of the main island's buildings. The two were sitting at a picnic table, Hajime's head was down tired from Nagito's crazed talking.

"Ooh! Look again Hajime! Another snake eyes!" Nagito cheered, on the table were random chance objects such as dice, cards, multiple coins flipped from heads to tails, it's his own little casino. Nagito acknowledged us as we got closer to the table. He chuckled, "Seems like I've gathered a crowd!" He put his fist to his chest, "Watch at the Ultimate Lucky Student shows his talent to all!" Picking back up the dice, a random card and a few coins, "Tonight I show you my ability to guess each outcome of these!"

"Oh god no..." Hajime picked his head up then dropped it back down after seeing what was happening.

"Quiet you-! Anyways," the light haired lunatic snipped, "I shall roll a 4 and 2, while choosing a queen of hearts, and flipping 4 coins getting head, tails, tails, head, in that order!" Shaking and releasing his clamped hand rolled a 4 & 2, exactly how he predicted, then quickly turning over the randomly selected card to be a queen of hearts, finally simultaneously flipping each of the 4 coins: head, tails, tails, head, all in that order. Nagito pumped his fists, "Ahahhaah! Look Hajimeeeee, lookie what I did," he tried putting an arm around the tired Hajime, who pushed him away.

"Would anyone like a redraw?" Hajime's grumbled, the 4 of us laughed and took it as a joke, but Hajime kept his straight exhausted face. It was all lighthearted jokes and times, Nagito would even give us a stack of cards and pick one for him to guess, he got it right every time. With his luck, he could be a magician or fortune teller if he can guess stuff like that. But that's when my luck took a turn, from the corner of my eye that's when I saw it. It was the two of them, Gundham and Sonia, walking together, laughing, rubbing shoulders, as she was petting and playing with his four hamsters, all while his jacket was held onto her. The wind crept up and chilled my spine from such a sight.

"Yo," Fuyuhiko walked to me, "All of us are getting back to the restaurant to eat, you good?" My eyes are stuck on them, fixed to their every movement, I couldn't stop. Shortly Fuyuhiko noticed, "I see, let's go back to the restaurant, focus on something else." He grabbed my arm, taking me with him. Walking further and further away, as their figures got smaller and smaller and the wind blowing colder and colder.

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