Chapter 43: Surpise Visitor

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Hours had passed after Nagito and Hiyoko's dispute and the night carried on. The jiggling of keys and the pair of footsteps clanging against the metal floor frames echoed throughout the chilly, drilled-in stone walls. A breeze hitting Nagito's back as he faced the door. Taking a sharp intake of air into his lungs, he gripped onto the door handle. Pushing it open. A shadow lured in front of him, the waxing-gibbous moon being the only light source nearby. Its blue moonlight reflecting into the cave-like tunnel, glittering onto the stone rocky walls.

He walked inside, closing the door behind him, the tunnels completely pitch black. Stepping a few feet forward, automatic motion detection lights switched on, low hanging bulbs began to glow. Traveling in a direction through the unknown halls. Nagito gulped nervously, rubbing his fingertips onto the ring of keys looped around his leans. It's cold metal notches chillier than compared to when he stole them from Hajime. Following the direction of the lights, the echoes of buzzing and clicking became louder. Louder until he saw a familiar figure slouched into a desk chair, hovering his hands over a keyboard. A musky tar and ash scent filled the room deeper inside. His eyes locked to the screen. Nagito stood there, wanting to pinch his nose, waiting for him to notice. Still waiting. With more waiting. And waiting.

"Ahem," Nagito cleared his throat. Unlooping the keys and shaking them with his thumb and index finger. The jingle of the keys alerting the other's attention, twisting their head to stare back at Nagito.

"Oh! Ah!" Kazuichi slammed his fingers into the keyboard quickly switching displays, covering his screens with his shoulder and back of the desk chair, "Nagito! How great it is to see you! Especially with those keys!" He grinned, matching his fingertips on opposite hands together.

"Hopefully I wasn't interrupting any special work," Nagito tossed the filled key ring onto his desk, "Had to go through a lot of trouble to get them. Hajime isn't so open to others like before."

"Ah! No, no. I was just doing normal surveillance," Kazuichi rubbed his hands together. A smirk growing while dazed onto the keys. Distracting him from the multiple computers in front of him. His eyes widening and his mouth gasping in shock as a high-pitched moan and other foul language began to blast out from a monitor's speakers. Nagito flinched to the sudden lust-filled groans. Keyboard pieces flew into the air as Kazuichi's fist banged into the keyboard repetitively. His hard-knocking punches drowning out the moaning until it came to a stop. Kazuichi awkwardly smiled with forgiving eyebrows raised, his face burning with embarrassment, "Phew, is it just me or does it get hot in this jumpsuit?" He tried to diverge from the questionable noises, adjusting the collar to his undershirts.

Nagito furrowed his brows together, the ends of his mouth dipping down, "I'm sure Hiyoko would be pleased to know how diligently you watch everyone."

"I'm not sure she needs to know everything!" He scoffed, waving his extended hands at shoulder level, "Anyways, good job on the keys! But you still got the other thing to do!

"Ah yes, like I could forget with your pestering calls."

"Haha. So funny. Seriously though, this part is the actually important part. Make to you get it done, and done right."

"Don't worry about me. I always get my jobs correct. It's you who needs to watch out."

His hot pink eyes squinted directly at Nagito. Pursing his lips to what underlying ulterior motive Nagito could've placed into his words. Flaring his nostrils in thought.

"I don't know what you're planning, but if you mess up again. Hiyoko can't cover for you like last time."

"Back then was different. Today so much has changed." Kazuichi shrugged, "In fact, after doing this, I don't think I'll need you or Hiyoko as much."

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