Chapter 42: Money-shot

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"What were you doing with that coconut?" Peko repeated herself, there was a worried look in her gaze with her eyebrows slightly furrowed together.

Gundham lifted the coconut to eye level, narrowing his eyes on its yellow-green skin, "I was merely holding it. That's all."

"But, you were," She paused, turning her head to the side, almost as if she were embarrassed by it, "stroking it though. Like a pet or something," Peko stammered, a light pink flush reddened her cheeks.

"Was I?" He asked, Gundham's eyelids widened, "The skin is smooth with the features of a human mortal's head," Gundham studied it, grazing his hand over its surface, "I cannot help, but be reminded of Sonia."

Peko stood up from the bench and walked to the nearest coconut tree. Unsheathing her bamboo sword and swiping at the top. Two coconuts fell to her sword, falling into the soft sand. Gundham watched as she picked one up, wiping the sand away from its surface. It was a brown coconut, more circular, and had a layer of husk surrounding it. She sat it onto her lap as Gundham did, her hesitant fingers brushing into its fur. Surprise pinged into her body upon the first touch, unintelligible mumbles escaped her lips. She laughed to herself, rubbing her hands onto it more, "I understand now." Her laughter went on, her eyes tearing up, "It's like the top of Fuyuhiko's head."

"Kehehe, his buzz-cut hair somewhat does resemble husk," Gundham suggested, the two of them stroking their coconuts.

"I don't think we'd remind them of coconuts, though." Peko remarked, holding her coconut up with one eye closed and staring back at Gundham, "Hmm, I think Sonia would think about you when," Her words trailed as she thought, "An ice cream swirl!"

"An ice cream swirl?!" He gasped, exaggerating as he clamped his hand onto his heart, "How repulsive! A sweet, frozen treat being compared to a powerful deadly demon such as myself! Peko. Mark your days."

"Okay, okay! But, once you see her again, give her ice cream with a swirl. If she says anything about it looking like you. You owe me!" Peko giggled, her eyes shut while her shoulders bounced in laughter.

"Is this the bets Fuyuhiko had mentioned days before?" Gundham recalled. The tip of his index finger tapping his forehead, "I see. Then, I shall accept this contract of yours! I pray Lady Luck be onto my favor."

"Good, I'll make sure to add this into my letter for Fuyuhiko," She gripped the coconut, stood up. Gundham's eyes followed her as she walked back to the palm tree. Watching her kneeled down, turning back empty handed. Her lips began to move as he came closer to hun, her hand waving "Besides, it's getting late. I'm returning to my room, don't stay out too long."

"Be seeing you then," Gundham waved back, rolling the coconut in his palms. Peko's shoes clanging against the metal steps above him. Staring up into the night sky, his body arose with it. His and Sonia's nightly talks were going to begin shortly and he wouldn't dare be a minute late for her. He set down his green coconut by the other two. Peko's and the other that had fallen. It was also green like his. Picking it up for only a moment to inspect it.

"What?" He furrowed his eyes, his fingers feeling the third coconut. It was green, rough, and bumpy. Nothing like his. Its surface hard and like plastic, this nail unable to dig itself into the skin. Turning it over revealed the glossy outer glass of a shining lens. "Is this" He mumbled, rubbing his fingers into the lens, "a camera?" The camera-coconut dropped onto the sandy floor, Gundham slowly bending back up. Sweat chilling his neck. His feet springing back onto the concrete road, his hands grasping onto the metal stair rails. Pushing his body up the steps and banging his fist on Peko's door.

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