Chapter 26: The Plan

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— Hiyoko's POV —

Sneaking through the shadows of the night, creeping corner to corner of each cottage. I came closer to my destination. Needing to have a special talk to a special friend of mine who messed up terribly. Stalking behind one of the cottages, watching as someone guarded the door in front, the lights on from the inside. Noticing it was Ibuki. Distracting her would be too easy. Picking up a rock from before, I threw hard, flinging away from me as much as I could, a large thud coming as it impacted the wooden docks. Alerting Ibuki. Her stepping away from the door to investigate the noise. Now was my time. Sprinting to the door, trying to make little sound. Swiftly turning the knob open, throwing myself inside and gently closing it while. All was going into plan. Nagito sat across the room, his arms crossed and patting his sides impatiently.

"Finally! You're here." He rolled his eyes to me, "Took you long enough. You should've been here sooner." He kept complaining, getting up from the chair.

"Well I would've been here sooner if I didn't have stuff to do!" I spat back, jutting my face to him.

"I was able to get Hajime to make Ibuki guard the outside today, so I don't wanna hear any excuses from you." Nagito argued more as he walked around the area, trying to jab at me with anything.

"Shut it! I don't wanna hear nothing for you either!" I threatened, "If I hear another word for you, you're not getting your end part of the deal!" I smirked knowing that would put him back into shape. Nagito stepped back, tensed his eyebrows in heavy thought. And huffed, dropping his body back into the chair, hunched over in defeat. I puffed my chest, "Now. I'm gonna have a little talk over here, and you stay outta it!" I warned while waving the finger at him.

Stepping over to the other side of the room where the bed was set. There was a familiar pink-haired mechanic, who was strapped down to the bed with rope and hand-cuffs on his arms and legs. Duct tape slapped onto his mouth tightly, he forced his head and torso up while staring at me, yanking his chains and rope. His mouth trying to move, his words muffled.

"Mmff! Mhhm mrmhf mhhhhm!" Soda tried speaking, however it was incomprehensible, his nostrils flaring with each incoherent word.

"No one knows what your saying!" I sung, ripping off the tape from his mouth. Any facial hair being stripped from his face, a pink outline of where the tape used to be. Soda deeply breathed in after being released of the tape.

"As I was saying," Soda barked, "Get me the hell outta here!" He yelled, flailing his body wildly, rocking the bed's frame as he tried moving his body. Not giving in to his resistance.

"No!" I denied, slapping him across the face which only made him even angrier. "We had a whole plan! And you ruined it! You ruined everything!"

"Gundham was going to intrude in our part! You know I had to!" Soda tried to convince me, however I didn't fall for his bullshit.

"Don't you dare act like you know what's best!" I slapped Soda again, foam and spit leaking from his mouth. Two small dark red hand marks imprint to his face. "He wasn't. If our plan went correctly, then we would've taken care of him after. But no! You just haaaad to try and kill him!" Shaming Soda for his actions, him being the reason to our adaption of plans. How it was ruined from his jealously "I'm unsure to even if I can fulfill your part anymore cause of that." I thought, my attempt to infiltrate false-worry into his mind.

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