Chaper 19: Breaking and Entering

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— Sonia's POV —

The minute our lips brushed together, sparks flew in my head, my body numbing from all the excitement, yet I couldn't get enough. My hand wandered all over his chest, my other trailing down his shoulder and up to the back of his neck. Gundham pulled me in tight, our bodies together, lips merging into one. His fingers going from clothes trailing to my skin, his pale-blood rushed face consuming my very being, sucked into his aura, with hints of our tongues. Slowly, he broke away from my lips, bringing his hand up to my face, his fingertips gliding across my cheeks, giving soothing caresses from the jawline to my chin. He fixated on my eyes, with a grateful grin on his face.

"Oh, my Dark Queen," Gundham whispered to me, stealing another kiss. He surrounded his arms around me, putting me into a hug, his tall body taking in mine, guarding it, protecting me with his arms. His mouth to my neck, breathing it in, hearing a hum sourcing from his throat. My heart filled to the brim with him, it pumped ever-lasting joy within his presence, with his touch and words. If only I could see this happening sooner, I'd do it the second I knew.

"Gundham," I mumbled to him, our heads were close together, every sound we made, we both heard.

"Yes, Sonia?" He asked, his hands continuing to hold me, beginning to shake in his firm grasp. Feeling his chest fall back up and down.

"I lov-" Before I could finished, my words were interrupted by the furious, booming knock on the door which barely was heard as rain kept pouring. It would've been ignored if it weren't for the constant tries of opening the locked door. Gundham unraveled his arms around me and crept towards the door, without knowing who was behind the other side, at this time of night, in this type of weather. He laid his fingers ontop the lock, slowly turning the deadlock, readying himself for the unpredictable, when the lock finally unlatched, the door swung open, Gundham wincing in pain as his hand was crushed suddenly against the wall. In came Kazuichi Soda.

He rushed inside as his jumpsuit was drenched, soaked from the rain outside, a bundle of flowers dripping by his side as his soggy beanie and hair flooding down his face. The moment he broke inside, unannounced, his skin boiled, face turning red as his jaw clenched in rage, pink-hair rising from his face at the sight of Gundham answering the door. He turnt his head, his vision slowly processing, realizing I were too in the room as well. His whole attitude changed.

"I love you, Miss Sonia!" He dropped to his knee, shoving his bouquet of over-watered wilting flowers into my face. "For I have loved you my whole life, dreaming of the day I meet my blonde haired princess, becoming one with her for eternity." I cringed as he continued to speak, every move he's tried to made I've ignored or declined, yet he still continues.

"No! Soda! Wait-" I tried to stop his Shakespeare love-monologue, however he forced a finger to my mouth, forcing me to hush.

"Shhhh, now Miss Sonia, do not say a single word, for I will save you from your imprisoner!" Of course by that meant Gundham. What is the deal with Soda, most of the time he lets me speak and leaves. What's wrong with him? "Clearly this disgusting vile creature had put you under a curse! Under his spell! Which can only be broken with!" He paused, grabbing my arm, forcing his pull onto me and puckering and licking his lips, "A Kiss!" He pulled me in, forcing me closer, I tried getting away, his grip was too strong, until.

"Get away from Sonia." Gundham grunted, his jaw tense, as his eyes were furrowed as deep as they could in rage. His eyes in a death stare with Soda, as he threw the perverted pink-haired mechanic off of me. His hand gripped tightly onto Soda's jumpsuit collar, his other arm hung back, ready to strike. Soda's body went limp, his head turnt back, almost as if he went lifeless. Gundham lowered his guard, the two of us confused onto what we are witnessing. Seconds passed, Soda went silent, Gundham still preparing for anything. I tried to step closer, examining the scene. Trying to get a better look, focus on the still body of Kazuichi. His body suddenly jutted, his arms flailing, then an unearthly, croaking, mad laugh echoed out his throat.

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