Chapter 34: Dinner Party

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— Gundham POV —

Sliding in the key and turning, releasing open the door to the cottage and letting Sonia inside to shut it afterwards coming inside. Sonia raced herself to her small closet which hid beside her dresser. Hearing it's mirror pane creek as it slid to the side, with the shuffling of clothes hangers and fabrics. I sat myself down on the edge of the bed watching her, ironically for going to the beach, we never once hit the waters. Only grains of sand sticking to our skin. After many minutes Sonia pulled out a dress from the closest, pulling it up to her collar bone, turning to show me.

"How does this look?" Sonia asked, swaying the dress, "I wanted to wear something nice for dinner tonight." She chirped, handing the hanger to me to feel.

"Wonderful," I stared into the dress, lightly touching its silky laced fabric, "But, you do realize the date isn't until tomorrow night, correct?" I asked, handing it back to her.

"This isn't for the date, I have something else planned for that." Sonia winked to me with a smirk, "This is for the dinner party tonight!"

"Dinner party?" I repeated, "What dinner party?"

"Oh, right." Sonia giggles, "I forgot to mention, but Peko and Fuyuhiko told me there was a dinner party at the music venue tonight. That must've slipped my mind." She playfully bonked the side of her head with her palm.

"Who is hosting this special dinner?" I questioned, squinting my eyes.

"We don't know," She shrugged, trailing her hand against the dress, "All they said is that they heard it from others and it's been spreading around. If there even is one, we might as well dress nicely." Sonia suggested, then paused for a moment, "It's a Novoselic tradition to do so!"

"I do not have any special attire, however," I added, I had been stuck in these clothes from first awakening. But I had made attempts to not stain or ruin what I had left.

Sonia turned around to face me from the closest, a hand over her mouth to cover her giggles, "Actually yes, you do."

"I do?!" I gasped, my forehead tensing up.

"Back when you all were stuck inside those comas, Hajime ordered us to make measurements of everyone! He said for collecting data to log, something like that." Sonia rubbed her fingers against her chin and lips, her eyes darting to the air in thought as she spoke.

"And how does this correlate with me obtaining clothing?" I crossed my arms, lowering my head.

"To get everyone clothes for everyone's reawakening! Akane and I had gone to the Rocketpunch Market, I know you especially have outfits more than appropriate for a special night out." She cheered.

"And how could you be so positive?" I challenged, Sonia always spoke of long drawn out stories.

"I picked them out! We can go to your cottage soon to look at them again. I hope you'll like them." Sonia informed, my jaw somewhat dropping to hearing that she would go out of her way to get me clothes.

Sonia finished by taking the dress into the bathroom with herself to put it on. I sat there waiting still in my swimsuit, my shoulders slightly pinkish from sitting out in the daylight with her, wishing I had a full-body swimsuit similar to her to face off from the sun's rays. After minutes of thinking, she re-emerged from the shut-in room. In light salon pink dress, the pink fading to a lighter titanium white, the ends flowing barely behind her on the floor. Rose vale trimming fitting to her figure. Her hair done and down, accompanied by a matching pastel pink bow on the side of her head, wearing silky white gloves with lacing at the ends. Sitting there, my mouth gasping to her, my jaw-dropping. Standing up, stepping closer to Sonia, taking in her elegance.

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