Chapter 3: Flatlining

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Sonia's POV

That unfortunate one being Gundham Tanaka. I was the first to rush into his room when we had to check. At first, I was filled with hope, seeing how everyone else had woken up. But when I had entered the room, he was still as can be. Even from the doorway, I could see his eyes were not open unlike the others. Shuffling closer to where he lays, I gave his shoulder two small, gentle taps in hope for any response. Nothing. No reaction at all. The others could see my worry, them only standing just by the entrance of the room. It was quite obvious of his state, still stuck in the coma. However, we all knew that Gundham is still alive, when transporting all of them into the hospital in the island, we hooked them up to machines that check their vitals. Despite my lack of medical knowledge, it's those machines that beep to one's heartbeat. As long as it's beeping normally, I still know he's there, alive, somewhere in that deep sleep.

       With heads down, I could hear the others footsteps going away from the room. The only noise being produced were the lonely, echoing beeps from the machines. I sat there next to his still body for a few moments, each second ticked away feeling like an hour. Why is it like this? Why does his awakening meaning this much to me? And why is he the one that's not waking up?  I cannot explain these emotions, when I think of him in this state, I can feel my insides tie to a knot, the heaviest rock crushing down into my stomach. But the hope that he'll be back lifts it all. To see him care for his animals, ramble on of his dark powers, even just to gaze into his heterochromia eyes, just once more! I'd give the world to do it again. And this, this was my chance of that, or so I thought. I tried to hold it in, but it just gotten too much, before I knew it, tears ran down my face. More and more, as I continued to sit in this room. Alone with more echoing beeps.

Kazuichi's POV

        The others whispered to each other, keeping it quiet enough so Sonia couldn't hear while we saw her sobbing. They left going to check on the ones who are awake now. However, I stayed there for just a few more minutes. I know that sounds creepy! And even if she's crying over another dude, I still know that she shouldn't be. Despite having interests in her, sometimes you gotta be the bigger man and help a homie out. Besides, this island just wouldn't be the same without him. So I had to come up with some idea. I took a few steps away from the door, leaning against the wall and that's when I got it. Knowing that everyone else is awake now, except Gundham, I think it's possible Mikan would know what to do, she's the Ultimate Nurse right? So... of course! Stepping away from the wall, I paced over to the room Mikan was put in. But before getting there, I know how Nagito was when he first woken up from what Akane was telling us when checking the rooms. I made a stop to snatch a food and water ration where Hajime had placed them. He won't mind, I mean, these are going to them, not me right? Finally getting there with the supplies ready, I entered the room.

Mikan turned her head slightly to see who had entered. I gave her a good smile (despite how scary sharp my teeth look) and received a small, weak one back. Man, they really weren't kidding when they said how weak they got. Maybe the longer they were in a coma, the weaker they are. Looks like Byakuya and TeruTeru will be in some bad shape. Well, maybe not for Byakuya, that guy needed some weight changes. Either way, I sat down near her and placed the rations close to Mikan.

"Here, everyone's awake now so, we're all giving these to you." I said, pushing them even closer. Eventually, she had finished it all, not as fast as Nagito, but would still probably beat someone's world record. I guess I'll have to explain what happened. This'll probably be confusing, hell, it's confusing even to me. But through time and remembering, I told her every detail. From what happened after her execution to today. All she did was listen while regaining energy. Her normal self would be all apologetic and clumsy, but I guess she doesn't even have the strength for that anymore.

Minutes after giving her rations and explaining everything. She had regained some of her might, enough to keep herself sitting up-right on the hospital bed. "By the way, Mikan, I got a favor to ask of you." I said, my hand resting on the top of my beanie.

"A f-f-favor...?" She questioned in a soft, high pitched voice, "Wh-what would it b-be that you w-want..?"

"Well, actually, you know, not everyone is awake," I lowered my head, "for some reason Gundham isn't..." I admitted to Mikan, "But I thought since, y'know, you're the Ultimate Nurse, that you could help in some way." I scratched the back of my neck, while requesting for her help.

"Hmm, M-maybe there's something I can do to h-help..." Mikan said softly, "B-but if I can't, then I'm s-sorry." She whined, she's one to apologize more than a stereotypical Canadian.

"Are you good enough to walk again or? I have no idea, since Nagito stood up for a bit." I asked, shaking my head, trying not to sound too much like a rude idiot.

"I-I am, however, I will bring a r-roll chair in case I need a s-seat." After saying that, she slowly put her feet onto the cold hospital floor, and got up slowly, almost like the grandma to a tortoise. We scooted on by to Gundham's room, and to save as much as Mikan's strength, I rolled her to there in the rolley chair.

Once we were there, I opened the door more, I could see Sonia, has she been here even after all this time? Never mind that, I gave the door a bit of a knock when coming in. Sonia turned to us, trying to wipe the evidence of tears off her face. But it was clear she has been, there were streams of dark mascara lines carried by tears and smudged around her eyes.

"What are you two doing here?" Sonia questioned us, first looking down at Mikan on the chair then up at me.

"I-I was just thinking since, y'know he's not waking up that I got Mikan to help. She's the Ultimate Nurse after all." I explained to Sonia, however she crossed her arms and looked down at her feet.

"I do agree that getting Mikan to help is a good idea, however she woke up same as the others. I believe it is mandatory that she needs to be fully energized before helping anyone else. She can't help if she's stuck to the chair like that." Sonia pointed out.

"I-I am sorry..." Mikan fussed, "I c-can get out the ch-chair if y-you'd like..." She added, leaving the assistance of her chair.

"No. It is my bad." Sonia, now feeling guilty, "I just," She paused for a moment, "Do what you can, Mikan, but don't stress yourself, I beg of you." Sonia insisted.

"Th-Thank you, Miss S-Sonia," Mikan said as she rolled over closer to Gundham. "S-seeing how everyone else h-had woken up again, I am s-sure he will too."

"But, when is it that he'll wake up? Today or later? It's quite odd for him to be the one still like this." Sonia pouted, clasping her hands together.

"I-I do not exactly k-know when," Mikan started to get all unbalanced and cry, "I am sorry, so s-so sorrryyyy." Well, at least it looks like she's back to her always sorry self.

Sonia and I were fully focused on his body, he was eerily still, the only movement seen was the rising and falling of his chest from breathing. Just why was it that he was still stuck in a coma? It couldn't be from the punishment he had? So so many mysteries, none leading to a direct answer. But our focus has been broken. Yet again by another crashing sound and a fearful yelp, followed by a screeching, continuous, horrific beeeeeeeeep.

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