Chapter 30: Testing Time

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— Gundham POV —

After minutes of her sobs hitting to my lab, she'd pushed herself up, wiping the tears which fell from her eyes. Her lids puffed red, lens soaked. A pain in my heart growing, watching her breakdown from the embarrassment.

"We shouldn't have been doing that." Sonia fretted, warning me with our past actions. How we were so suddenly interrupted in such a touching moment.

"And who permits what we can and cannot do?" I asked, knowing deep down her desires, they matched my own. A longing for each other, both physical and mental needs. How they've been repressed from my mind, only shown out by her.

"I don't know!" Sonia huffed jolting herself up from the bed. Her feet stomping on the slab floor as she paced around. Pausing momentarily, her foot tapping filling the room. Tap, tap tap. Tap tap tap. Until they had finally ceased, a long, deep sigh entering and exiting out of Sonia, "No, we should've locked the door before we even got that close, or at least listened to the knocking." She grumbled to me while she stumbled back into the hospital bed. Listening to her every word, giving her the silence to fill the air. Sonia laid down as her mind pondered for seconds, her eyes staring up to the wall. "But," Sonia added, "For those moment we had, just us," She bent back up, facing me with a smile, her face dry from the tears, "I loved it." Sonia admitted, her face returned back to her natural rosy blush and a cheery grin. The room darkened, clouds passing the sun, seeing her sweet face easier.

"I had loved it too, my Dark Queen." I breathed back, her arms surrounding me into a hug, tight to my body, gripping me closely. Shortly after joining into the hug, lasting for seconds as we stayed locked together, feeling her heartbeat pulse through our hug. Eventually our grasp releasing, yet her palms still rested onto mine. And craziest idea coming into mind. "And- And I promise, as your personal knight and all rankings. That I shall make it up to you."

"Make it up to me?" Sonia repeated tilting her head to the side in confusion. The small moments in between our words giving me time to think of what I'd do.

"Yes, make it up." I slowly answered back, sweat misting onto the back of my neck. Words clogging at the back of my throat, trying to get out and form my ideas. Silent seconds passing, staring at each other until. "Sonia, my Dark Queen, would you perhaps be willing to go out with-" I tried to ask, almost reaching to the end of my question until she excitedly bolted up.

"Yes!" Sonia beamed, flying her hands into the air, "Yes, yes, a million of yes! I'd love to." She dropped back down into bed, her eyes barely visible for her cheeks rose high with her smile.

"You really would?" I asked, Sonia kneeing her way to me onto the bed, swiftly clasping her two hands around mine. Her smile and hands bubbly as she lightly bounced up and down.

"Of course, when and where?" Sonia accepted, her questions shooting out of her mouth fast. Her words all conjoined together, barely being able to understand.

"Oh!" I gasped, not fully thinking through the idea "Uhm, it shall start at, perhaps, five o'clock." My eyes darted around, there wasn't exactly anywhere special the hotels or other buildings had. Only the restaurant? The beach? If we were on the beach, where would be get the food? Restaurant it is. "And to the location of this event shall be the restaurant!"

"The restaurant?" Sonia repeater again, a mixture of fear and surprise on her face. Her bouncing coming to a stop.

"Yes! Using my dark magic, I will block all mortals from invading our time. Only leaving the two of us." I explained, knowing the restaurant would be the best option. Perhaps I could just lock the doors. Maybe tape a note?

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