Chapter 31: Love dust

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— Gundham POV —

Opening the exit doors to the hospital blew fresh air into my body. For I have been stuck inside this dusty place of a hospital for days. With Sonia's arm wrapped around mine, we walked past the outdoor hospital lobby. My skin feeling the sun's rays once again, how the sun soaked into my black attire and sinking into my pale skin. The chilly wind being what kept my temperature down. Energy pulsing into my body after days of stillness, recharging my mind.

"It's a nice day isn't it?" Sonia turnt her head to me asking, her dress bouncing with each step.

"Yes," I agreed, nodding my head. "It truly is a nice day." The sky was a clear blue without any wispy or dark puff-ball clouds in the air. Only the great yellow sun which rose high into the sky, shining upon every object that went into its path, a dark, cool shadow following behind everything. Passing by other buildings, the motel, movie theater and Electric Ave, until lastly reaching to the bridge which connected all other islands. Stepping onto the bridge and after walking half-way through all the steps, we saw two large figures standing at the other end of it. Holding long planks, carrying and stacking them. Narrowing my eyes, trying to distinguish these two, "For who are these two? Lingering at the exit?" I questioned to myself out loud, their huge silhouettes unrecognizable.

"I can't tell, it's too far to know." Sonia added, her eyes squinted as well. Her other hand hovering over her eyes to guard against the sun, swiftly lowering it, "Maybe it's just Fuyuhiko and Peko! They were here earlier." Sonia guessed, our pace beginning to slow as we pondered.

"Perhaps," I nodded, predicting of all the possibilities it could be, an endless gambling, "For now, we shall continue this walk." Sonia glanced at me, her eyelashes fluttering as she blinked. Her steps fastening, wanting to know these mysterious figures in the distance.

Striding fast and closer, eventually reaching the bridge's end. Our eyes dawning upon Akane and Nekomaru, wearing construction helmets that barely fit on the top of their heads. The sound of wooden planks clashing together as they stacked them high. Hearing shredding of a familiar saw, grinding the planks in half. I gulped to the sound, the stitches on my arm ached.

"Oh! Hello Akane and Nekomaru!" Sonia greeted the two, her arm looped against mine, dragging me to them. Akane stopped midway through sawing a plank, waving back to us with the saw. Alarms flashing through my mind, as Sonia dragged my further to talk with her. "What's going on? You guys building something?" Sonia asked, pointing to all the wooden planks what were scattered in stacks all over the ground.

"What's all this?" Akane repeated, waving the saw around in her hand as she thought. My body wanting to run far away from it, my arm locked tightly onto Sonia. My unmoving body shaking as she waved it carelessly. "Uhm, why are we here?" Akane questioned to herself, suddenly throwing the saw dangerously up into the air, waving her arm out for Nekomaru, "Hey! Nekomaru! Why are we here again?!" Akane yelled to him. Nekomaru was carrying two stacks of wooden planks. Turning slightly and slowly to Akane when she called out to him. After placing them down, he waddled his way over, Akane waving her saw filled hand excitingly. A spark igniting into my legs, taking steps back from Akane, Sonia stumbling back by me. Sonia snapping a glare at me, one eyebrow raised.

"And what was that for?" Sonia sharply whispered, her arm forcefully tugging at mine. Her furrowed eyes locked into mine. I shook my head rapidly, staring at the saw which thrown all around Akane's body, in seconds was it in the air and dug into the ground. Its blades sliding into the dirt, cutting through the grass. Exactly to where we stood before. Imagining to if I had not moved, the horrors of what could've happened. The two of us, standing there in shock.

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